Your window to a new era for videos
A modular web-interface for uploading content into the peer-to-peer network behind Paratii, and to browse or organize it. The purpose here is to 1) populate Paratii's registries with real world data and files from creators; 2) expose widgets and forms of interaction with the
that other developers can leverage, or platform owners can implement; 3) battletest distributed curation concepts. Early iterations will focus on the uploader experience.
- nodejs >= 8.9.0
- yarn
- libssl1.1 (required by parity >= 1.8.7)
- parity >= 1.9
- Install parity (ethereum client):
bash <(curl -Lk)
If you are on a Mac, you may need to set the path to parity:
- add the following to your
.bash_profile: export PATH=/Applications/Parity\$PATH
$ source path/to/.bash_profile
$ git clone
$ cd paratii-portal
$ yarn
is installing the wrong versions of any dependencies, run the following:
$ yarn cache clean
$ yarn
☝️ add the --pure-lockfile
argument to yarn
to ensure you install all dependencies exactly as specified in the current yarn.lock
To run unit tests:
$ yarn run unit-test
End-to-end tests that can be run by starting up the application in one window. The procedure at the moment is rather complex, but we are working on simplifying the dev environment.
First of all, you need to install paratii-db
on your system.
You will need 4 different consoles, and you need to start the processes in the exact order given here:
yarn run parity
yarn run build:dev
yarn run server:dev
- In the directory where you installed paratii-db, run
yarn run dev
When all these process are are running, y
the application should be available on http://localhost:8080/
Open yet another console to run the tests:
$ yarn run chimp-test
Or, when you are developing:
$ yarn run chimp-test:watch
$ yarn run dev
This does three things, concurrently:
- boots up the server
- bundles client code with webpack
- boots up
The client and server will recompile/restart on relevant file changes. In addition, the dev server is set up to support hot-module-replacement for react
and redux
To run these processes separately:
$ yarn run build:dev
$ yarn run server:dev
$ yarn run parity
The application can be visited at http://localhost:8080
$ yarn run lint:scripts
If you want the linter to try to fix errors automatically, you can run:
$ yarn run lint:scripts --fix
$ yarn run lint:styles
Note: this is used for linting styles written in javascript strings for styled-components
$ yarn run flow
$ yarn run quality
$ yarn run build
After this command completes, index.html
and bundle.js
will both reside in the build/
If you get the following error:
[1] Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '.../paratii-portal/node_modules/node-sass/vendor'
Rebuilding node-sass
may help:
yarn rebild node-sass
If yarn
doesn't work, maybe it's because you have a node version > 9.0.0
To fix it downgrade node to version 8.9.0:
$ sudo yarn cache clean -f
$ sudo yarn global add n
$ sudo n 8.9.0
or if you are using nvm:
$ nvm install 8.9.0
$ nvm alias default 8.9.0
This commands will set the default version that you will use to the 8.9.0
Then run `yarn` again.
If you get the following error:
$ [nodemon] Internal watch failed: watch .../paratii-portal/node_modules ENOSPC
Run the following code to fix the port issue:
$ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=582222 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
Explanation [here](