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KTU S3 CST 205 & CSL 203
Object Oriented Programming Using Java

Module 1
Introduction: Approaches to Software Design - Functional Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Case Study of Automated Fire Alarm System. Object Modeling Using Unified Modeling Language (UML) – Basic Object Oriented concepts, UML diagrams, Use case model, Class diagram, Interaction diagram, Activity diagram, State chart diagram. Introduction to Java - Java programming Environment and Runtime Environment, Development Platforms -Standard, Enterprise. Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java compiler, Bytecode, Java applet, Java Buzzwords, Java program structure, Comments, Garbage Collection, Lexical Issues.

Module 2
Core Java Fundamentals: Primitive Data types - Integers, Floating Point Types, Characters, Boolean. Literals, Type Conversion and Casting, Variables, Arrays, Strings, Vector class. Operators - Arithmetic Operators, Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical Operators, Assignment Operator, Conditional (Ternary) Operator, Operator Precedence. Control Statements - Selection Statements, Iteration Statements and Jump Statements. Object Oriented Programming in Java - Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Object Reference, Introduction to Methods, Constructors, this Keyword, Method Overloading, Using Objects as Parameters, Returning Objects, Recursion, Access Control, Static Members, Final Variables, Inner Classes, Command Line Arguments, Variable Length Arguments. Inheritance - Super Class, Sub Class, The Keyword super, protected Members, Calling Order of Constructors, Method Overriding, the Object class, Abstract Classes and Methods, using final with Inheritance.

Module 3
More features of Java: Packages and Interfaces - Defining Package, CLASSPATH, Access Protection, Importing Packages, Interfaces. Exception Handling - Checked Exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions, try Block and catch Clause, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws and finally. Input/Output - I/O Basics, Reading Console Input, Writing Console Output, PrintWriter Class, Object Streams and Serialization, Working with Files.

Module 4
Advanced features of Java: Java Library - String Handling – String Constructors, String Length, Special String Operations - Character Extraction, String Comparison, Searching Strings, Modifying Strings, using valueOf(), Comparison of StringBuffer and String. Collections framework - Collections overview, Collections Interfaces- Collection Interface, List Interface. Collections Class – ArrayList class. Accessing a Collection via an Iterator. Event handling - Event Handling Mechanisms, Delegation Event Model, Event Classes, Sources of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Using the Delegation Model. Multithreaded Programming - The Java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Synchronization, Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads.

Module 5
Graphical User Interface and Database support of Java: Swings fundamentals - Swing Key Features, Model View Controller (MVC), Swing Controls, Components and Containers, Swing Packages, Event Handling in Swings, Swing Layout Managers, Exploring Swings –JFrame, JLabel, The Swing Buttons, JTextField. Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) - JDBC overview, Creating and Executing Queries – create table, delete, insert, select.