RocketCloud Stream Deck is a server based on NodeJS HTTP server, that allows you to execute commands, software and more on your pc from your phone mobile, raspberry pi, arduino, esp8266, or any http client device.
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This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Before continuing it is necessary have Node JS server installed. You can download NodeJS from here.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- If you need use DiscordBOT, change your BOT TOKEN on
- Start server with NPM
npm start
- Clone the repo on definitive location files.
git clone
- If you need use DiscordBOT, change your BOT TOKEN on
- Install service with
bat file (run it as Administrator)
- Go to installation folder (Or
file location) - Uninstall service with
bat file (run it as Administrator)
If you don't change 'WEBSERVER_PORT', the default port for webserver is 9991.
Open browser on your phone or pc and go to http://localhost:9991/
To change from Stream Deck panel to PC Status panel, press on "P" icon on center of screen.
If you need change deck options, check index.js
file on line 77 and edit images on \public\img folder
You can check out the full license here
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.