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corrected length of lines, ran with opty-dev, only two obj functions …
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Peter230655 committed Jul 23, 2024
1 parent dfda33a commit bf69fb7
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 43 deletions.
91 changes: 48 additions & 43 deletions examples-gallery/
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
A block, modeled as a particle is sliding on a road to cross a
hill. The block is subject to gravity and speed dependent
Gravity points in the negative Y direction.
A force tangential to the road is applied to the block.
Three objective functions to me minimized may be selected:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,10 +36,9 @@
import sympy as sm
from opty.direct_collocation import Problem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mp
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from copy import deepcopy

# %%
# define the road
def strasse(x, a, b):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,10 +73,10 @@ def strasse(x, a, b):

q_ind = [x]
u_ind = [ux]

KM = me.KanesMethod(N, q_ind=q_ind, u_ind=u_ind, kd_eqs=kd)
(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL)
EOM = kd.col_join(fr + frstar)
EOM = kd.col_join(fr + frstar)

Expand All @@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ def strasse(x, a, b):
speicher = deepcopy((x, ux, F))

# which objective functions are to be used
selektor = (2, 1)
selektor = (1, 0)

# store results of the optimizations for later plotting
solution_list = [0., 0., 0.]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,11 +124,11 @@ def strasse(x, a, b):
interval_value = h

if selektion == 1:
def obj(free):
Fx = free[laenge * num_nodes: (laenge + 1) * num_nodes]
def obj(free):
Fx = free[laenge * num_nodes: (laenge + 1) * num_nodes]
return free[-1] * np.sum(Fx**2) + free[-1] * verstaerkung

def obj_grad(free):
def obj_grad(free):
grad = np.zeros_like(free)
l1 = laenge * num_nodes
l2 = (laenge + 1) * num_nodes
Expand All @@ -145,10 +144,10 @@ def obj_grad(free):
grad = np.zeros_like(free)
grad[-1] = 1.
return grad

elif selektion == 2:
def obj(free):
Fx = free[laenge * num_nodes: (laenge + 1) * num_nodes]
def obj(free):
Fx = free[laenge * num_nodes: (laenge + 1) * num_nodes]
return interval_value * np.sum(Fx**2)

def obj_grad(free):
Expand All @@ -164,51 +163,53 @@ def obj_grad(free):

# pick the integration method. backward euler and midpoint are the choices.
# backward euler is the default.
methode = 'backward euler'
methode = 'backward euler'

if selektion in (0, 1):
initial_guess = np.array(list(np.ones((len(state_symbols)
if selektion in (0, 1):
initial_guess = np.array(list(np.ones((len(state_symbols)
+ len(specified_symbols)) * num_nodes) * 0.01) + [0.02])
initial_guess = np.ones((len(state_symbols) +
initial_guess = np.ones((len(state_symbols) +
len(specified_symbols)) * num_nodes) * 0.01

initial_state_constraints = {x: 0., ux: 0.}

final_state_constraints = {x: 10., ux: 0.}

instance_constraints = (
tuple(xi.subs({t: t0}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val in initial_state_constraints.items()) +
tuple(xi.subs({t: tf}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val in final_state_constraints.items())

instance_constraints = (
tuple(xi.subs({t: t0}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val
in initial_state_constraints.items()) +
tuple(xi.subs({t: tf}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val
in final_state_constraints.items())

# forcing h > 0 avoids negative h as 'solutions'.
if selektion in (0, 1):
bounds = {F: (-15., 15.), x: (initial_state_constraints[x],
bounds = {F: (-15., 15.), x: (initial_state_constraints[x],
final_state_constraints[x]), ux: (0., 1000.), h:(1.e-5, 1.)}
bounds = {F: (-15., 15.), x: (initial_state_constraints[x],
bounds = {F: (-15., 15.), x: (initial_state_constraints[x],
final_state_constraints[x]), ux: (0., 100)}

prob = Problem(obj,
prob = Problem(obj,

# set max number of iterations. Default is 3000.
prob.add_option('max_iter', 3000)
prob.add_option('max_iter', 3000)

solution, info = prob.solve(initial_guess)
solution_list[selektion] = solution
info_list[selektion] = info
prob_list[selektion] = prob
# %%
# %%
# animate the solutions and plot the results
def drucken(selektion, fig, ax, full=True):
solution = solution_list[selektion]
Expand All @@ -223,15 +224,15 @@ def drucken(selektion, fig, ax, full=True):
interval_value = duration / (num_nodes - 1)

strasse1 = strasse(x, a, b)
strasse_lam = sm.lambdify((x, a, b), strasse1, cse=True)
strasse_lam = sm.lambdify((x, a, b), strasse1, cse=True)

P0_x = solution[:num_nodes]
P0_y = strasse_lam(P0_x, par_map[a], par_map[b])

# find the force vector applied to the block
alpha = sm.atan(strasse(x, a, b).diff(x))
Pfeil = [F*sm.cos(alpha), F*sm.sin(alpha)]
Pfeil_lam = sm.lambdify((x, F, a, b), Pfeil, cse=True)
Pfeil_lam = sm.lambdify((x, F, a, b), Pfeil, cse=True)

l1 = laenge * num_nodes
l2 = (laenge + 1) * num_nodes
Expand All @@ -246,10 +247,10 @@ def drucken(selektion, fig, ax, full=True):

if full == True:
print('message from optimizer:', info['status_msg'])
print(f'objective value {obj(solution):,.1f}')
if selektion in (0, 1):
print(f'optimal h value is: {solution[-1]:.3f}')

def initialize_plot():
Expand All @@ -262,40 +263,44 @@ def initialize_plot():
if selektion == 0:
msg = f'speed was optimized'
elif selektion == 1:
msg = f'speed and energy optimized, weight of speed = {verstaerkung:.1e}'
msg = (f'speed and energy optimized, weight of speed = ' +
msg = f'energy optimized'

strasse_x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
ax.plot(strasse_x, strasse_lam(strasse_x, par_map[a], par_map[b]),
color='black', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
ax.axvline(initial_state_constraints[x], color='r', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
ax.axvline(final_state_constraints[x], color='green', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
ax.axvline(initial_state_constraints[x], color='r',
linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
ax.axvline(final_state_constraints[x], color='green',
linestyle='--', linewidth=1)

# Initialize the block and the arrow
line1, = ax.plot([], [], color='blue', marker='o', markersize=12)
pfeil = ax.quiver([], [], [], [], color='green', scale=35, width=0.004)
pfeil = ax.quiver([], [], [], [], color='green', scale=35,
return line1, pfeil, msg

line1, pfeil, msg = initialize_plot()

# Function to update the plot for each animation frame
def update(frame):
message = (f'running time {times[frame]:.2f} sec \n' +
f'the red line is the initial position, the green line is the final position \n' +
message = (f'running time {times[frame]:.2f} sec \n' +
f'the red line is the initial position, the green line is ' +
f'the final position \n' +
f'the green arrow is the force acting on the block \n' +
f'{msg}' )
ax.set_title(message, fontsize=12)

line1.set_data([P0_x[frame]], [P0_y[frame]])
pfeil.set_offsets([P0_x[frame], P0_y[frame]])
pfeil.set_UVC(Pfeil_x[frame], Pfeil_y[frame])
return line1, pfeil

animation = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=range(len(P0_x)),
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=range(len(P0_x)),
interval=1000*interval_value, blit=True)

return animation, update

## %%
Expand All @@ -322,7 +327,7 @@ def update(frame):
# A frame from the animation.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
_, update = drucken(selektor[0], fig, ax, full=False)
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 5
number = len(selektor) * 4 + 1
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = number
update(100 )

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