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This repository was archived by the owner on May 1, 2021. It is now read-only.


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This version is now officially discontinued. A new version is being developed here


Star Story is an indie RPG game written by Jeroen Petrus Broks. It was officially released in November 2016 as "stable". All versions prior to that were alphas and betas.

Star Story tells the story of Wendicka Lovejoy and her surrograte sister Crystal McLeen who used to be ambitious space cadets, but who gave up their carreers after a horrible accident almost claimed Crystal's life, forcing her to spend the rest of her days as a cyborg.

This repository can be used to look into the source code of Star Story. You can see the source of the launcher and the scripts themselves.

The used Engine is LAURA II for which its own repository exists

You can also use the issue tracker to report bugs. Since I don't believe in bug-free software, (especially not in a project as huge as this), you are bound to find some, but I can only fix them if I know about them.

The assets are not part of this repository in order not to violate copyright of third party owners.

This game is set up to work in Windows and Mac. Unfortunately, I cannot go for a Linux version. This is due to some technical difficulties Linux offers, and BlitzMax never got that all covered up. Since you can find the source in this repository you might try to compile this yourself in Linux, I won't stop you, but I'm not going to pain myself with it any more.

Sites dedicated to this game:

You can download this game from SourceForge and Game Jolt

Mac users can also install the game using HomeBrew

# If you never installed any game of mine before type
brew tap phantasarproductions/casks

# To install the game itself
brew cask install starstory

# To upgrade the game when a new version has been released
brew cask reinstall starstory

# If you have cu for homebrew installed this will work
brew cask cu -y

A live worklog is kept at:

A small "Work in progress" video can be watched here:

P.S. This game is NOT compatible with Brucey's BlitzMax NG, nor do I plan to make it compatible with it.