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Complete React Developer Course by "Zero To Mastery"

This repository contains the code for the project that I created while following "The Complete React Developer Course" by "Zero To Mastery" on Udemy. The course is taught by Andrei Neagoie and Yihua Zhang, who have worked with React in production at some of the biggest tech firms.

The course is designed to teach you the latest version of React (React 18) and to introduce you to all the modern toolchains of a React developer in 2023. The project-based course teaches you to build a full-stack e-commerce application similar to Shopify using Redux, React Hooks, React Suspense, React Router, GraphQL, Context API, Firebase, Redux-Saga, Stripe, and other modern technologies.

The course focuses on hands-on learning and teaches you React Basics and advanced topics, allowing you to make good decisions on architecture and tools for any future ReactJS projects. The course covers various topics such as React Router, Redux, Redux Saga, React Hooks, Context API, React Suspense, Firebase, Stripe API, GraphQL, Apollo, PWAs, React Performance, React Design Patterns, Testing with Jest and Snapshot testing, React Best Practices, Persistance, Session Storage, State Normalization, and more.

This is not a course that just teaches you how to build small projects; instead, it teaches you how to build large applications that can scale and have good architecture. By the end of the course, you will have built the largest project you will see in any React course, which would take you months to implement by yourself.

The instructors of the course have worked for some of the biggest tech firms using React in production. By having both instructors teach, you get to see different perspectives and learn from two senior developers as if you are working at a company together. The course teaches principles that are important beyond what you learn as a beginner, such as design patterns, app architecture, code organization, folder structure, and performance.

This course is designed to push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner in React to someone in the top 10% of React developers. The course is not about making you just code along without understanding the principles; instead, it teaches you real-life skills that are current and applicable.

The course includes step-by-step code along, and you will get access to the full master project code, allowing you to have your own project to put on your portfolio right away. Graduates of Andrei’s courses are now working at top tech companies such as Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Meta, and more.

Overall, this course is the most comprehensive online resource on React and is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning React or improving their React skills.