You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 2
First Steps
- Quick Start
Configuration with
- Registering Configurations
- Advanced Config Examples
- Using Configuration
This short example shows some of the key features of the configuration framework in ccflow
from ccflow import BaseModel, ModelRegistry
# Define config objects
class MyFileConfig(BaseModel):
file: str
description: str = ""
class MyTransformConfig(BaseModel):
x: MyFileConfig
y: MyFileConfig = None
param: float = 0.
# Define json configs
configs = {
"data": {
"source1": {
"_target_": "__main__.MyFileConfig",
"file": "source1.csv",
"description": "First",
"source2": {
"_target_": "__main__.MyFileConfig",
"file": "source2.csv",
"description": "Second",
"source3": {
"_target_": "__main__.MyFileConfig",
"file": "source3.csv",
"description": "Third",
"transform": {
"_target_": "__main__.MyTransformConfig",
"x": "data/source1",
"y": "data/source2",
# Register configs
root = ModelRegistry.root().clear()
# List the keys in the registry
#> ['data', 'data/source1', 'data/source2', 'data/source3', 'transform']
# Access configs from the registry
#> MyTransformConfig(
# x=MyFileConfig(file='source1.csv', description='First'),
# y=MyFileConfig(file='source2.csv', description='Second'),
# param=0)
# Assign config objects by name
root["transform"].x = "data/source3"
#> MyFileConfig(file='source3.csv', description='Third')
# Propagate low-level changes to the top
root["data/source3"].file = "source3_amended.csv"
# See that it changes in the "transform" definition
#> source3_amended.csv
Let's dive deeper into some of the ideas above, focusing on how we leverage features of pydantic
for the purposes of configuration.
from ccflow import BaseModel, ModelRegistry
from datetime import date
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
Let's get started with some very simple examples. Pydantic calls their classes "Models", and so we use the same terminology; think of a "Model" as a "Configurable" class.
The BaseModel
is our base class for all configuration. We have subclassed Pydantic's BaseModel
to change some of the default configuration options, and to make the objects play nicer with Hydra and the rest of our framework. However, as they are still Pydantic models, everything you can do with Pydantic's Models can be done with these.
We begin with a dummy example, but one which illustrates how new config schemas and values can be easily defined and manipulated on-the-fly.
class MyFileConfig(BaseModel):
file: Path
asof: date = date(2024,1,1)
description: str = ""
This is not very exciting yet, basically just the definition of a config schema, but it already illustrates how Pydantic will conform input data to the right types (i.e. Path, date and str in this case).
c = MyFileConfig(file="sample.txt")
#> MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('sample.txt'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description='')
Note that the config object is mutable by default (though they can be frozen too). This makes it easy to change configs, especially once they get nested
c.description = "Sample description"
#> MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('sample.txt'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description='Sample description')
Pydantic allows for objects to be created directly from dictionaries
config = {"file": "sample.txt", "asof": "2024-02-02"}
#> MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('sample.txt'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 2, 2), description='')
Note that Pydantic automatically converted the string path to a PosixPath
and the string date to a datetime.date
Pydantic also provides a JSON schema in standardized format that can users understand the parameters on the config object, though this only works on models that only contain json-compatible types (even though Pydantic supports arbitrary types as we will see later). For example:
#> {'additionalProperties': False,
# 'properties': {'asof': {'default': '2024-01-01',
# 'format': 'date',
# 'title': 'Asof',
# 'type': 'string'},
# 'description': {'default': '',
# 'title': 'Description',
# 'type': 'string'},
# 'file': {'format': 'path', 'title': 'File', 'type': 'string'}},
# 'required': ['file'],
# 'title': 'MyFileConfig',
# 'type': 'object'}
Pydantic's type validation will catch cases that are incompatible with our schema definition. In fact, Pydantic can be used to place even greater constraints on the values themselves (i.e. asof date must not be in the future)
c.asof = "foo"
except ValueError as e:
#> 1 validation error for MyFileConfig
# asof
# Input should be a valid date or datetime, input is too short [type=date_from_datetime_parsing, input_value='foo', input_type=str]
# For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.9/v/date_from_datetime_parsing
Furthermore, in ccflow.BaseModel
, we have enabled the option by default to raise exceptions when field names are mis-specified (or extra fields are provided) to catch potential configuration mistakes.
MyFileConfig(file="sample.txt", AsOf=date(2024,1,1))
except ValueError as e:
#> 1 validation error for MyFileConfig
# AsOf
# Extra inputs are not permitted [type=extra_forbidden, input_value=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), input_type=date]
# For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.9/v/extra_forbidden
Hierarchical configs are also easy to work with. Below, we create a new config which consists of two file configs, and we can easily modify nested attributes using standard python syntax.
class MyTransformConfig(BaseModel):
x: MyFileConfig
y: MyFileConfig = None
param: float = 0.
The traditional construction of a nested model by object composition would look something like this
x = MyFileConfig(file="source1.csv")
y = MyFileConfig(file="source2.csv")
transform = MyTransformConfig(x=x, y=y, param=1.)
#> MyTransformConfig(x=MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source1.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description=''), y=MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source2.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description=''), param=1.0)
Note that because of object composition, changing an attribute on the local variable x
will change it on the object in transform
x.description="First Source"
#> 'First Source'
This becomes important later when we register the config.
Pydantic also provides the ability to coerce dictionaries recursively into structured types, so long as the types have been declared on the schema. For example, it will automatically create the MyFileConfig
instance if we just pass a dictionary to MyTransformConfig
print(MyTransformConfig(x={"file": "source1.csv", "asof": "2024-02-02"}))
#> MyTransformConfig(x=MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source1.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 2, 2), description=''), y=None, param=0.0)
Pydantic provides a rich set of tools for serializing models, for example
#> {'param': 1.0,
# 'type_': '__main__.MyTransformConfig',
# 'x': {'asof': '2024-01-01',
# 'description': 'First Source',
# 'file': 'source1.csv',
# 'type_': '__main__.MyFileConfig'},
# 'y': {'asof': '2024-01-01',
# 'description': '',
# 'file': 'source2.csv',
# 'type_': '__main__.MyFileConfig'}}
Note that the custom BaseModel
in ccflow
serializes the type_
of the model in addition to the fields (which does not happen by default in Pydantic). This allows for generic reconstruction of the right config class (or subclass) from the serialized version:
transform2 = BaseModel.model_validate(transform.model_dump(mode="json"))
assert isinstance(transform2, MyTransformConfig)
For compatibility with hydra
(further on in this tutorial), we also alias the type_
field to _target_
, i.e.
pprint(transform.model_dump(mode="json", by_alias=True))
#> {'param': 1.0,
# '_target_': '__main__.MyTransformConfig',
# 'x': {'asof': '2024-01-01',
# 'description': 'First Source',
# 'file': 'source1.csv',
# '_target_': '__main__.MyFileConfig'},
# 'y': {'asof': '2024-01-01',
# 'description': '',
# 'file': 'source2.csv',
# '_target_': '__main__.MyFileConfig'}}
In addition to the composition of configs as illustrated above, there may be cases when inheritance and templatization is required. Pydantic supports both of these out of the box.
Below we provide an example of multiple inheritance of model objects, which further illustrates the power of having schema classes for configuration over raw dictionaries.
class DateRangeMixin(BaseModel):
start_date: date
end_date: date
class RegionMixin(BaseModel):
region: str
class MyConfig(DateRangeMixin, RegionMixin):
parameter: int
print(MyConfig(parameter=4, region="US", start_date=date(2022, 1, 1), end_date=date(2023, 1, 1)))
#> MyConfig(region='US', start_date=datetime.date(2022, 1, 1), end_date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 1), parameter=4)
For examples of templatization, refer to the section of the Pydantic documentation on Generic Models.
Next we explain the power of being able to register configurations.
from ccflow import ModelRegistry
provides a ModelRegistry
class which represents a collection of ccflow.BaseModel
instances (configs). Later we will see how config files can be mapped to a registry, but for now we illustrate how it can be used interactively.
registry = ModelRegistry(name="My Raw Data")
file="source1.csv", description="First"
file="source2.csv", description="Second"
#> ModelRegistry(name='My Raw Data')
#> ['source1', 'source2']
#> mappingproxy({'source1': MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source1.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description='First'),
# 'source2': MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source2.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description='Second')})
At this point, a ModelRegistry
just looks and behaves like a dictionary. However, a bit of extra functionality has been built in, such as validation of items that go into the registry to make sure they are config classes, i.e.
registry.add("bad_data", {"foo": 5, "bar": 6})
except TypeError as e:
#> model must be a child class of <class 'ccflow.base.BaseModel'>, not '<class 'dict'>'.
This may seem like an unnecessary restriction, but enforcing that all registry elements are using BaseModel means that we can deliver more powerful functionality over time by extending the BaseModel implementation.
From any registry, you can access configs directly using __getitem__
or get
(which allows for a default value)
assert "source1" in registry
assert registry["source1"] is registry.get("source1", default=None)
Note that by default, if you try to add a configuration that already exists, it will raise an error, unless you pass overwrite=True
registry.add("source1", registry["source1"])
except ValueError as e:
#> Cannot add 'source1' to 'My Raw Data' as it already exists!
assert registry.add("source1", registry["source1"], overwrite=True)
As the amount of configuration grows, there is a desire to organize these objects in a hierarchy, and so, the registry class can contain other registries (since they are configuration objects themselves).
Furthermore, instead of passing various registries around in the code, it is sometimes helpful to have a single registry that is a singleton at the "root" of all these registries. ccflow
provides this:
root = ModelRegistry.root()
assert root is ModelRegistry.root() # It is a singleton.
root.add("data", registry, overwrite=True)
#> RootModelRegistry()
#> {'data': ModelRegistry(name='My Raw Data')}
From the root registry, there are three different ways to get underlying configs, using dictionary syntax, file path or getter syntax:
root["data"]["source1"] # Dictionary syntax
root["data/source1"] # File path syntax
root.get("data").get("source1") # Getter syntax
Note that the same object can be registered under multiple different names. If one thinks of a registry as a "catalog" of data or configurations, it makes sense that the same item could be indexed in different ways.
The registry is a collections.abc.Mapping
over all the registered models and on any models that belong to sub-registries. In other words, it will return all possible combined keys, i.e.:
#> ['data', 'data/source1', 'data/source2']
#> 3
If you only want to access the top level of the registry, use registry.models
, which in this case returns a single item (the "data" sub-registry):
#> ['data']
To clear all the entries from a registry, one can execute:
#> {}
We wish to allow configuration objects to depend on each other in such a way that the linkage is dynamic. In the ccflow
framework, this is done through object composition (and mutability of configs). However, to make things easier, we allow for configs to be referenced by their name in the root registry! For example, we can create a new config object like so:
root = ModelRegistry.root()
root.add("data", registry, overwrite=True)
new_config = MyTransformConfig(x="data/source1")
#> MyTransformConfig(x=MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source1.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description='First'), y=None, param=0.0)
Just like before, if we now change the values on this config model in the registry, they will change in this newly created object as well:
root["data"]["source1"].description = "Test"
assert new_config.x.description == "Test"
Note, however, that if we replace the config object in the registry with an entirely new config object, the dependency will still reference the old object. This is why you need to pass overwrite=True
when adding an object to the registry with a name that already exists.
With these dependencies set up, we can now register this object as well
root.add("transform", new_config, overwrite=True)
#> ['data', 'data/source1', 'data/source2', 'transform']
Even once registered, linkages between objects can be added through simple assignment
root["transform"].y = "/data/source2"
assert root["transform"].y.file == Path("source2.csv")
The config objects in ccflow
can tell you where they are registered (which may be in more than one place), either as a tuple of (registry, name), or as a path by which the object could be accessed. i.e. For the composite configuration "data config"
, registered in the root registry:
#> [(RootModelRegistry(), 'transform')]
#> ['/transform']
Below is an example of that for the file config, as accessed from the transform config:
#> [(ModelRegistry(name='My Raw Data'), 'source2')]
#> ['/data/source2']
The config objects can also tell you their dependencies on other registered config objects. It will look recursively through the the entire nested configuration structure to find other models that are in the registry (even if some intermediate levels are not registered):
#> [['/data/source1'], ['/data/source2']]
When you clear all the models out of the root registry, the registrations and dependencies on previously registered objects are also reset:
#> []
#> []
As shown above, Pydantic provides tools to serialize and deserialize model configurations. The BaseModel
class in ccflow
is also compatible with Hydra. While hydra integration is optional, it provides powerful tools for working with configuration files and the command line that we can leverage directly.
from hydra.utils import instantiate
config = {
'_target_': '__main__.MyTransformConfig',
'param': 1.0,
'x': {'description': 'First',
'file': 'source1.csv'},
'y': {'file': 'source2.csv'}
#> MyTransformConfig(x=MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source1.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description='First'), y=MyFileConfig(file=PosixPath('source2.csv'), asof=datetime.date(2024, 1, 1), description=''), param=1.0)
Note that this is the same as calling BaseModel.model_validate(config)
Furthermore, the ModelRegistry
class has a convenience method that will take a dictionary of configs, and add them all to the registry. It is even clever enough to interpret nested dictionaries (with no _target_
) as nested registries, and to resolve dependencies specified as strings (by looking up the string path in the root registry). Below is a complete example:
all_configs = {
"data": {
"source1": {
"_target_": "__main__.MyFileConfig",
"file": "source1.csv",
"description": "First",
"source2": {
"_target_": "__main__.MyFileConfig",
"file": "source2.csv",
"description": "Second",
"transform": {
"_target_": "__main__.MyTransformConfig",
"param": 1.0,
"x": "data/source1",
"y": "data/source2",
root = ModelRegistry.root().clear()
#> ['data', 'data/source1', 'data/source2', 'transform']
In the above, note that the "x" and "y" variables are passed as strings referencing other objects in the registry. When using hydra, something similar could be accomplished by using variable interpolation in OmegaConf, but there is one key difference. In hydra/omegaconf, variable interpolation makes a copy of the yaml config, so transform.x
would point to an object that is configured the same way as data/source1
, but it would not be pointing to the same instance. Thus, if changes were made to data/source1
, they would not be reflected in transform.x
With the above behavior in place, especially the ability to load dictionaries of configs into the root ModelRegistry
, the next step is to be able to load the configurations from files. Fortunately, this piece has already been solved by hydra. In particular, it allows for configurations to be split across multiple sub-directories and files, reused in multiple places, and recombined as needed. It also provides advanced command line tools to configure your application.
While hydra is primarily concerned with loading file-based configurations into command-line applications, their Compose API provides a way to load the configs interactively in a notebook, as a special dictionary type. However, to save people the work of first loading config files into config dictionaries, and then adding those into the registry, we've provided a function to do this directly, shown below. Note that these config files are loading models which are defined in ccflow
and ccflow.examples
import ccflow.examples
root = ModelRegistry.root().clear()
absolute_path = Path(ccflow.examples.__file__).parent / "config/conf.yaml"
root.load_config_from_path(path=absolute_path, config_key="registry")
The "config_key" argument in the function call above points to the subset of the hydra configs to load into the registry, as there may be parts of the config which you do not which to load into the registry (such as configuration of hydra itself, or potentially other global configuration variables that are only meant to exist in the file layer).
It is out-of-scope for this tutorial to cover the various ways in which hydra can be used to generate configs, but please check out their documentation for more information.
In this section we cover some more advanced config examples. It can be skipped on the first read if desired.
Pydantic provides a lot of functionality for custom validation. We don't cover all of it in the tutorial, but encourage people to read the section of the Pydantic docs on validators.
One key feature is the ability to coerce non-dictionary objects into Pydantic models, which is very powerful from a configuration perspective. We use this trick in several places in ccflow
to improve usability, and mention it here in case others find it useful. We illustrate this below:
from pydantic import model_validator
class NameConfig(BaseModel):
first_name: str
last_name: str
def coerce_from_string(cls, data, handler):
if isinstance(data, str):
names = data.split(" ")
if len(names) == 2:
data = dict(first_name=names[0], last_name=names[1])
return handler(data)
NameConfig.model_validate("John Doe")
#> NameConfig(first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
Now, when a string name is passed to a config where NameConfig
is expected, Pydantic will coerce the data to the correct type.
class MyConfig(BaseModel):
name: NameConfig
print(MyConfig(name="John Doe"))
#> MyConfig(name=NameConfig(first_name='John', last_name='Doe'))
Another aspect of configuration that we haven't touched on so far is the need to specify a template document, and then to fill in the data. This occurs commonly when building database queries from parameters or when plugging data into an email template or HTML report. One common solution is to leverage python's string formatting capabilities, but this provides a minimal amount of validation to guard against accidents in the template definition, or malicious users (i.e. SQL injection attacks). The standard solution to this problem is to leverage Jinja templates, which are extremely powerful (as they enable some amount of scripting inside the template itself).
has defined a Pydantic extension type that corresponds to Jinja templates, so that they can be used in configuration objects. We illustrate this below (note that unused template arguments are ignored).
from ccflow import JinjaTemplate
class MyTemplateConfig(BaseModel):
greeting: JinjaTemplate
user: str
place: str
config = MyTemplateConfig(
greeting="Hello {{user|upper}}, welcome to {{place}}!",
place="the tutorial",
#> Hello {{user|upper}}, welcome to {{place}}!
#> Hello FRIEND, welcome to the tutorial!
config.place = "a different configuration"
#> Hello FRIEND, welcome to a different configuration!
config.greeting = "Dear {{user}}, templates can also be easily switched"
#> Dear friend, templates can also be easily switched
While the above example may be useful for a templatized email or report, we provide a more complex and realistic example that illustrates how to easily configure a SQL query:
from datetime import date
from typing import List
class MyQueryTemplate(BaseModel):
query: JinjaTemplate
columns: List[str]
where: str = "Test"
query_date: date = date(2024, 1, 1)
filters: List[str] = []
query = """select {{columns|join(",\n\t")}}
from MyDatabase
where WhereCol = '{{where}}'
and Date = '{{query_date}}'
{% for filter in filters %}and {{filter}} {% endfor %}
config = MyQueryTemplate(
columns=["Col1", "Col2 as MyOthercol", "SomeID"],
#> select Col1,
# Col2 as MyOtherCol,
# SomeID
# from MyDatabase
# where WhereCol = 'Test'
# and Date = '2024-01-01'
Now it's easy to reconfigure the query by, i.e. changing the date and adding filters:
config.query_date = date(2022, 1, 1)
config.filters = ["SomeID IS NOT NULL", "Col1 in 'blerg'"]
#> select Col1,
# Col2 as MyOtherCol,
# SomeID
# from MyDatabase
# where WhereCol = 'Test'
# and Date = '2022-01-01'
# and SomeID IS NOT NULL and Col1 in 'blerg'
Instead of configuring SQL queries as shown above, libraries like Polars have popularized the use of expressions for defining data transformation. ccflow
also provides an extension type for polars expressions, so that they can be easily converted from strings (i.e. from a config file):
from ccflow.exttypes.polars import PolarsExpression
import polars as pl
class PolarsConfig(BaseModel):
columns: List[PolarsExpression]
where: PolarsExpression
config = {"columns": ["pl.col('Col1')", "pl.col('Col2').alias('MyOtherCol')", "pl.col('SomeID')"], "where": "pl.col('WhereCol')=='Test'" }
config_model = PolarsConfig.model_validate(config)
assert isinstance(config_model.columns[0], pl.Expr)
assert isinstance(config_model.where, pl.Expr)
Sometimes it is more convenient to work with numpy array objects instead of python lists. ccflow
provides tools to do this easily, as shown in the following example (which conforms the input data to the declared types automatically).
from ccflow import NDArray
import numpy as np
class MyNumpyConfig(BaseModel):
my_array: NDArray[np.float64]
my_list: List[float]
config = MyNumpyConfig(my_array=[1, 2, 3], my_list=[1, 2, 3])
assert isinstance(config.my_array, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(config.my_list, list)
Often the need arises for configuration to create objects that are not built-in types (str, int, float, etc). Pydantic supports a number of additional types (see the documentation for a full list), but can also handle completely arbitrary types. We can also use hydra to instantiate these arbitrary types from the configs as well, and Pydantic will validate that the created object is an instance of the desired type. Furthermore, we specify some extension types in ccflow
that have additional validation and functionality (where JinjaTemplate
, PolarsExpression
, and NDArray
described above are examples).
First, to illustrate how custom types work, we define our own custom object type, and then a configuration object (i.e. BaseModel
) that contains that type. To prevent accidental inclusion of custom types, Pydantic must be explicitly told to include them using the model_config
from hydra.utils import instantiate
class MyCustomType:
class MyConfigWithCustomType(BaseModel):
model_config = {"arbitrary_types_allowed": True}
custom: MyCustomType
config = {
"_target_": "__main__.MyConfigWithCustomType",
"custom": {"_target_": "__main__.MyCustomType"},
config_model = instantiate(config)
assert isinstance(config_model.custom, MyCustomType)
Sometimes one needs to refer to an object that is already defined in the codebase by its import name. For example, in some cases, it can be easier easier to construct a config object in python, such as when lots of custom classes, enum types, or lambda functions are involved. For this case, ccflow
also has a solution that is able to refer to any python object by path, as illustrated below:
from ccflow import PyObjectPath
class MyConfigWithPaths(BaseModel):
builtin_func: PyObjectPath = PyObjectPath("builtins.len")
separator: PyObjectPath = PyObjectPath("ccflow.REGISTRY_SEPARATOR")
config = MyConfigWithPaths()
assert config.builtin_func.object([1, 2, 3]) == 3
print("Separator: ", config.separator.object)
#> Separator: /
With the ability to define arbitrarily complex configuration structures following the examples above, now arises the question of how best to use all that config information.
One option is simply to access the relevant config information from the root registry whenever it is needed in the code. This method is fragile and strongly discouraged. It is equivalent to using global variables throughout the code, which has the following problems
- Causes very tight coupling between parts of the code, and adds dependencies everywhere on, i.e. the naming and structure of the configuration, which may need to change frequently to stay organized
- Since every configuration option is available to every piece of code, it makes it difficult to reason about which code depends on which parts of configuration. One of the original design goals was to make it very easy to remove un-needed configuration classes (i.e. for unused/unsuccessful experimentation)
- Because configurations are mutable (by design), using them everywhere makes it harder to reason about the state of the system (nothing is "pure" or "const correct" any more). It would be better to separate the parts of the code that depend on configuration (and are subject to change) from those that do not (i.e. analytics, pure/idempotent functions, etc)
One solution to this problem is to write code that lives as "close" to the relevant configuration as possible, such that the scope is limited to those configuration parameters it needs and the dependencies are more clear. In this way, the registry is not used at all for run-time access, except perhaps as an initial entry-point into the logic. Furthermore, this code can serve as the bridge between the configuration graph (i.e. ccflow
) and any other computational graphs which will be doing the heavy lifting. For example, the configurations can be used to define tensor graphs (tensorflow, pytorch), event processing graphs (csp, kafka streams), task graphs (ray, dask), etc, which are then executed separately.
One easy way to bind together user-defined business logic with the configuration classes is simply to add a method on the class. Following the Single Responsibility Principle, each of these classes should ideally have only one purpose, and hence following the python convention, we can name the primary method that commplishes this __call__
so that the BaseModel becomes callable. The following examples illustrate this idea.
import pandas as pd
class MyParquetConfig(BaseModel):
file: Path
description: str = ""
def __call__(self):
"""Read the file as a pandas data frame"""
return pd.read_parquet(self.file)
config = MyParquetConfig(
file=Path(ccflow.examples.__file__).parent / "example.parquet", description="Example Data"
df = config()
Thus, using all the machinery in the previous section, we can define configs that are either pure data containers, or that correspond to some piece of arbitrary user-defined functionality, i.e. a "step" in a workflow. While we do leverage Pydantic for conforming data, there are no restrictions on the kind of code that could live inside the __call__
method (or strictly speaking, how many methods there are or what those methods are called). Here is a slightly more complex example for illustration:
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from typing import Literal
class MyParquetConfig(BaseModel):
"""This is an example of a config class."""
file: Path
description: str = ""
library: Literal["pandas", "pyarrow"] = "pandas"
def read_pandas(self):
return pd.read_parquet(self.file)
def read_arrow(self):
return pq.read_table(self.file)
def __call__(self):
"""Read the file as a pandas data frame or arrow table"""
if self.library == "pandas":
return self.read_pandas()
return self.read_arrow()
config = MyParquetConfig(file="ccflow/examples/example.parquet", library="pandas")
df = config()
#> <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
config = MyParquetConfig(file="ccflow/examples/example.parquet", library="pyarrow")
df = config()
#> <class 'pyarrow.lib.Table'>
A common use case in any research/production framework is to send data from the current process to some other location. In extract-transform-load (ETL) processes, the target location is usually files, an object store or a database. However, automation of research reports containing tables, charts and HTML is another common use case; those may be written to files, sent to an experiment tracking framework or simply emailed to a set of recipients.
In ccflow
, we used the principles above to define a very simple interface for "publishers" (ccflow.publishers.BasePublisher
), which are configurable components that know how to take data and send it somewhere else. The reason for having a BasePublisher
class is so that publishers can easily be substituted for one another (and validated) as part of the configuration of a larger workflow. If publishers were all implemented a little bit differently, then it would be difficult to switch from, i.e. writing files to sending an email purely based on configuration.
While ccflow
provides some implementations out of the box for common use cases (files, email)), custom implementations of the interface are straightforward and encouraged. Below we will create a custom publisher that uses IPython's "display" function to display a list of strings as html. We use Jinja templating as described in a previous section to define the html template.
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from ccflow import JinjaTemplate, BasePublisher
from typing import List
class MyPublisher(BasePublisher):
data: List[str] = None
html_template: JinjaTemplate
def __call__(self):
# Create the publisher (i.e. via static configuration)
p = MyPublisher(
name="<b>My {{desc}} publisher:</b>",
html_template="""<p style="color:blue;">{{data}}</p>""",
# Set the data that we want to publish (i.e. at runtime)
p.name_params = dict(desc="test")
p.data = ["Blue text.", "More blue text."]
Even though "data" is a standard attribute on BasePublisher, implementations can override it to define more specific data types that the publisher allows, and Pydantic provides the validation. For example, passing a dictionary to "data" in the example above results in an error (before the call to publish is even made):
p = MyPublisher(
name="<b>My {{desc}} publisher:</b>",
html_template="""<p style="color:blue;">{{data}}</p>""",
p.data = {}
except ValueError as v:
In the example below, we use the dataframe library Polars along with ccflow
to configure a very simple data pipeline. For this example to run polars
must be installed.
First we define some simple models to read, transform and summarize data
from ccflow import BaseModel, ModelRegistry
from ccflow.exttypes.polars import PolarsExpression
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional
import polars as pl
class PolarsCallable(BaseModel):
"""A base class for models that return a polars LazyFrame"""
def __call__(self) -> pl.LazyFrame:
class ParquetDataReader(PolarsCallable):
"""A model to read data from a parquet file"""
file: Path
n_rows: Optional[int] = None
row_index_name: Optional[str] = None
# Could expose additional options from the `pl.scan_parquet` interface here
def __call__(self):
return pl.scan_parquet(self.file, n_rows=self.n_rows, row_index_name=self.row_index_name)
class FeatureAdder(PolarsCallable):
"""This model adds extra columns (features) to the original dataset.
The extra columns are averages over 'average_cols' grouped by 'group_col', and
the absolute difference between the original values and the grouped averages.
data_input: PolarsCallable
group_col: str
average_cols: List[str]
def __call__(self):
df = self.data_input()
agg_cols = [pl.col(col).mean().alias(f"{col}_mean") for col in self.average_cols]
avg_df = df.group_by(pl.col(self.group_col)).agg(agg_cols)
joined_df = df.join(avg_df, on=self.group_col)
residual_columns = [(pl.col(col) - pl.col(f"{col}_mean")).abs().alias(f"{col}_resid") for col in self.average_cols]
return joined_df.with_columns(residual_columns)
class TopKFinder(PolarsCallable):
"""This model finds the records corresponding to the max """
data_input: PolarsCallable
by: str
k: int = 1
reverse: bool = False
def __call__(self):
df = self.data_input()
return df.top_k(k=self.k, by=self.by, reverse=self.reverse)
class ColumnSelector(PolarsCallable):
"""This model generically selects column expressions from a source"""
data_input: PolarsCallable
exprs: List[PolarsExpression]
def __call__(self):
return self.data_input().select(self.exprs)
With these models, we now register certain configurations in the registry
root = ModelRegistry.root().clear()
root.add("Raw Data", DataReader(file=Path(ccflow.examples.__file__).parent / "example.parquet"))
root.add("Augmented Data", FeatureAdder(data_input="Raw Data", group_col="State", average_cols=["Sales", "Profit"]))
root.add("TopK Profit residuals", TopKFinder(data_input="Augmented Data", by="Profit_resid", k=3))
root.add("TopK Sales residuals", TopKFinder(data_input="Augmented Data", by="Sales_resid", k=5))
root.add("Mean residuals", ColumnSelector(data_input="Augmented Data", exprs=[pl.col("Sales_resid").mean(), pl.col("Profit_resid").mean()]))
Note that we have registered several different configurations all referencing the same "Augmented Data" component. Two of these are slightly different configurations of TopKFinder
, but the other is a totally different summary of the data.
To use these configurations, we can now load a residuals model from the registry and call it. This returns a polars.LazyFrame
, i.e. we are using ccflow
to construct the polars graph. We can then call collect()
on the result to materialize a data frame:
print(root["TopK Profit residuals"]().collect())
print(root["Mean residuals"]().collect())
Suppose instead we wanted to group by "Region" instead of "State", this can be done by injecting the change directly on "Augmented Data". Note that this change will impact multiple downstream results, as they all depend on the same "Augmented Data" config:
root["Augmented Data"].group_col = "Region"
print(root["TopK Profit residuals"]().collect())
print(root["Mean residuals"]().collect())
At the moment, "Mean residuals" is taking the mean of the residuals from all the groups output from "Augmented Data". What if we wanted to take the mean of only the top sales residuals? We can reconfigure this easily by pointing the input of "Mean residuals" to "TopK Sales residuals" rather than the original "Augmented Data"
root["Mean residuals"].data_input = "TopK Sales residuals"
print(root["Mean residuals"]().collect())
Suppose that we now need to go back and change the way the data is being read. Often, this might require pointing to a different file or data source, but sometimes it could just be modifying the additional arguments to the additional read call. For example, perhaps we want to change the name of the row index column. We want to be able to do this without changing any code, and especially not by exposing this parameter to any downstream logic (as most data loading interfaces have many different parameters that might need to be configured). Even though this parameter is more than one level down in the call tree, we can inject a new value for it using ccflow
, and this will still work even if additional processing steps are added in the middle of the workflow:
root["Raw Data"].row_index_name = "My Index Row"
assert "My Index Row" in root["TopK Profit residuals"]().collect_schema().names()
Gaussian Processes (GP) are a generic supervised learning method designed to solve non-linear regression and probabilistic classification problems. The GaussianProcessRegressor in sklearn
implements Gaussian processes (GP) for regression purposes. For this, the prior of the GP needs to be specified. The prior mean is assumed to be constant and zero (for normalize_y=False) or the training data’s mean (for normalize_y=True). The prior’s covariance is specified by passing a kernel object.
In the example below, we see how ccflow
can be used to configure a GP Regression (including the kernel object). Even though the kernel object is not a Pydantic type, we can still configure it in this framework.
Note that sklearn
must be installed to run this example. For the meaning of the parameters, refer to the sklearn documentation; we follow their example for usage of the GP Regressor.
from ccflow import BaseModel
from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman2
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Kernel
from typing import Callable, Union
from hydra.utils import instantiate
class GPRegressionModel(BaseModel):
"""Wrapping of sklearn's GaussianProcessRegressor for configuration"""
# Here we tell Pydantic to allow the "Kernel" type, which is not a standard Pydantic type
model_config = {"arbitrary_types_allowed": True}
kernel: Kernel
alpha: float = 1e-10
optimizer: Union[str, Callable] = "fmin_l_bfgs_b"
n_restarts_optimizer: int = 0
normalize_y: bool = False
random_state: int = None
def __call__(self):
"""Build the GP Regressor object"""
# Rather than passing in each attribute individually, we can use the dict representation of the config class (leaving out the "type_" attribute),
# as we named everything consistently with the sklearn parameter names
return GaussianProcessRegressor(**self.model_dump(exclude={"type_"}))
# Define the config as a dictionary (potentially to live in a config file)
gpr_config = {
"_target_": "__main__.GPRegressionModel",
"kernel": {
"_target_": "sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.Sum",
"k1": {
"_target_": "sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.DotProduct",
"sigma_0": 1.0,
"k2": {
"_target_": "sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels.WhiteKernel",
"noise_level": 1.0,
"optimizer": "fmin_l_bfgs_b",
"random_state": 0,
# Load the config in the root registry
root = ModelRegistry.root().clear()
root.load_config({"gpr": gpr_config})
# Use the config to train the configured model
X, y = make_friedman2(n_samples=500, noise=0, random_state=0)
gpr = root["gpr"]().fit(X, y)
print(gpr.score(X, y))
# We can now change the config interactively to experiment with different kernels,
# without needing to go back to config dictionaries or files
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF, WhiteKernel
root["gpr"].kernel = RBF() + WhiteKernel()
gpr = root["gpr"]().fit(X, y)
print(gpr.score(X, y))
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