Releases: Protonull/CivVoxelMap
v1.21.4-4 -- Merge upstream
Latest (Unstable)
v1.21.4-3 -- Waypoints *with styles!*
Replaces VoxelMap's chat waypoint parser. The message should now largely retain its original style (save for the waypoint itself, of course). It also fixes this issue.
Potentially(?) fix radar bug where some player names don't appear. Let's to see if this works.
v1.21.4-2 -- Merge upstream
- Updated embedded VoxelMap version to 1.21.4-1.14.8
v1.21.4-1 -- Update to 1.21.4
Bump to 1.21.4-1
v1.21.3-2 -- Fix radar-options crash
- Fixed a crash related to clicking the "Radar..." options button in VoxelMap options.
- Elevation-based filtering is no longer disabled when the hide-elevation option is disabled.
- Fix incorrect scale clamping.
v1.21.3-1 -- Updated to 1.21.3
Please do not use this version!
Use instead.
- Also removes the blurred background in additional player/entity radar option screens.
- Fixed incorrect and hard to read spacing on the hide-invisibility and hide-crouching option tooltips.
You may also notice a change in version style. This is because there is realistically no chance of a 1.0.0 version, or even a 0.1.0 version. What would that even look like? This project is, in essence, a set of patches for VoxelMap. And so the version style has been changed to emphasise the Minecraft version, trailed by the project version.
v0.0.9 - Radar legality improvements
The fair-play options to hide invisible and sneaking players from the minimap have been marked as CivMC illegal.
The minimap no longer considers elevation when filtering out entities considered too far away.
v0.0.8 - Small fixes
Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.0.8
v0.0.7 - Updated for 1.21.1
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7