Releases: QuantWealth/qw-monorepo
Releases · QuantWealth/qw-monorepo
Full Changelog: v0.0.3-nova...v0.0.4-nova
What's Changed
- [nova, orderbook-db] Add submit order endpoint for nova server by @jakekidd in #49
- Fix/batch order by @0xNilesh in #50
Full Changelog: v0.0.2-nova...v0.0.3-nova
What's Changed
- refactor: updated uniswap v3 child addresses by @0xNilesh in #47
- fix: fixed sendApprove env issue by @0xNilesh in #48
Full Changelog: v0.0.1-nova...v0.0.2-nova
What's Changed
- feat: add bun and nix project configs by @Yash-Garg in #1
- Init DB setup; add schemas, operations for strategies, TVL, market data by @jakekidd in #3
- Add indexer db adapter by @jakekidd in #4
- Nova setup w/ Saving and user/balance module by @VaibhavArora19 in #6
- Init setup for orderbook with endpoints to retrieve and modify orders by @jakekidd in #7
- [orderbook-db, atlas-db] fix yarn install usage with redundant script name problem by @jakekidd in #14
- utils setup by @sanchaymittal in #13
- feat: setup swagger for API doc by @Yash-Garg in #17
- [Nova] API changes by @VaibhavArora19 in #20
- [Utils] SDK Setup by @VaibhavArora19 in #19
- 23 Txservice by @jakekidd in #33
- atlas init by @sanchaymittal in #34
- Init Safe Sdk and Nova SCW deployer by @thelazyindian in #36
- feat: added defi/apy endpoint by @0xNilesh in #37
- Init setup orderbook server; add executions to orderbook db by @jakekidd in #35
- refactor: modified getSavings service by @0xNilesh in #39
- Relay-utils by @sanchaymittal in #41
- refactor: added a mint function by @0xNilesh in #40
- chore: rename packages by @sanchaymittal in #38
- Utils-qw by @sanchaymittal in #42
- feat: updated user/init endpoint with user's scw getting deployed and… by @0xNilesh in #44
- feat: added order operations by @0xNilesh in #45
- Nova orderbook by @sanchaymittal in #43
- feat: created apis for orderbook actions by @0xNilesh in #46
New Contributors
- @Yash-Garg made their first contribution in #1
- @jakekidd made their first contribution in #3
- @VaibhavArora19 made their first contribution in #6
- @sanchaymittal made their first contribution in #13
- @thelazyindian made their first contribution in #36
- @0xNilesh made their first contribution in #37
Full Changelog: