Copyright (c) 2019 Querela. All rights reserved.
See the end of this file for further copyright and license information.
- Free software: MIT license
This package contains MHTML utilities for working with Chrome/Chromium
Blink saved webarchives in the .mhtml format.
It may later also be able to work with any .mht
, .mhtm
/ .mhtml
files but currently strictly refers to the Blink implementation. See:
Chromium Blink on Github or
Chromium Blink on GoogleSource,
Chromium Blink.git on GoogleSource.
This package was developed because the MIME
/ email
utilities of the standard Python library were mangling binary content,
e. g. in images.
It tried to convert \r
and \n
linebreak characters according to some
policy. Trying to switch or disable this behaviour was not successful.
This package will not work for any MIME
message but tries to be completely
save for using with MHTML files saved by the Blink engine (?).
This package doesn't currently try to fully parse the MHTML file but rather provide a view onto the raw binary content. Extracting a resource is only getting a slice between two different offsets. The header detection should work for almost any MHTML data but I will have to try different input files from other sources to be sure.
This package contains severals example scripts to show how the package can be used. That include dumping embedded resources into a directory, extracting the main web page or listing all the resources in a MHTML archive. It also allows to remove existing resources from an MHTML file, e. g. for stripping adverts, images etc. as well as inserting new resources from another MHTML file. (Later it may be possible to create resources from any file.)
Since Chrome disables javascript and strips all unneccessary content from a newly created MHTML file, it is not really possible to make an interactive MHTML file containing a directory and linked pages. Work in progress is the ability to alter a resource so that client scripts can be written to combine multiple MHTML files into a single one and display the whole content.
It may later also be possible to create a MHTML archive from a given list or description but is not the priority.
- Website:
- Source code:
- Issue tracker:
- Documentation: WIP
This project requires at least Python 3.5. It has no other dependencies.
To work with the source and run test with py.test
etc. it offers several
development dependencies that can be installed:
pip install -e .[dev]
Tests can be run with:
python test
Run stylechecks:
python flake8 python pylint
Clean up:
python clean --all
Copyright (c) 2019 Querela. All rights reserved.
See the file "LICENSE" for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
All trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective holders.