- Looking for our JavaScript/TypeScript API? Try Exhort JavaScript API.
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The Exhort Java API module is deployed to GitHub Package Registry.
Click here for configuring GHPR registry access.
Create a
with the read:packages scope
Based on GitHub documentation, In Actions you can use GITHUB_TOKEN
Maven users
- Encrypt your token
$ mvn --encrypt-password your-ghp-token-goes-here encrypted-token-will-appear-here
- Add a server definition in your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml
<servers> ... <server> <id>github</id> <username>github-userid-goes-here</username> <password>encrypted-token-goes-here-including-curly-brackets</password> </server> ... </servers>
- Encrypt your token
Gradle users, save your token and username as environment variables
- Configure Registry
Maven users, add a repository definition in pom.xml
<repositories> ... <repository> <id>github</id> <url>https://maven.pkg.github.com/RHEcosystemAppEng/exhort-java-api</url> </repository> ... </repositories>
Gradle users, add a maven-type repository definition in build.gradle
repositories { ... maven { url 'https://maven.pkg.github.com/RHEcosystemAppEng/exhort-java-api' credentials { username System.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME") password System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") } } ... }
- Declare the dependency
Maven users, add a dependency in pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>com.redhat.exhort</groupId> <artifactId>exhort-java-api</artifactId> <version>0.0.8-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>
Gradle users, add a dependency in build.gradle
implementation 'com.redhat.exhort:exhort-java-api:${exhort-java-api.version}'
Maven users, add a dependency in pom.xml
If working with modules, configure module read
module x { // module-info.java requires com.redhat.exhort; }
Code example
import com.redhat.exhort.Api.MixedReport; import com.redhat.exhort.impl.ExhortApi; import com.redhat.exhort.AnalysisReport; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; public class ExhortExample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // instantiate the Exhort API implementation var exhortApi = new ExhortApi(); // get a byte array future holding a html Stack Analysis report CompletableFuture<byte[]> htmlStackReport = exhortApi.stackAnalysisHtml("/path/to/pom.xml"); // get a AnalysisReport future holding a deserialized Stack Analysis report CompletableFuture<AnalysisReport> stackReport = exhortApi.stackAnalysis("/path/to/pom.xml"); // get a AnalysisReport future holding a mixed report object aggregating: // - (json) deserialized Stack Analysis report // - (html) html Stack Analysis report CompletableFuture<MixedReport> mixedStackReport = exhortApi.stackAnalysisMixed("/path/to/pom.xml"); // get a AnalysisReport future holding a deserialized Component Analysis report var manifestContent = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("/path/to/pom.xml")); CompletableFuture<AnalysisReport> componentReport = exhortApi.componentAnalysis("pom.xml", manifestContent); } }
- Java - Maven
- JavaScript - Npm
- Golang - Go Modules
- Python - pip Installer
- Gradle - Gradle Installation
Excluding a package from any analysis can be achieved by marking the package for exclusion.
Java Maven users can add a comment in pom.xml
<dependency> <!--exhortignore--> <groupId>...</groupId> <artifactId>...</artifactId> <version>0.0.8-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>
Javascript NPM users can add a root (key, value) pair with value of list of names (strings) to be ignored (without versions), and key called exhortignore in package.json, example:
{ "name": "sample", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "dotenv": "^8.2.0", "express": "^4.17.1", "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1", "mongoose": "^5.9.18" }, "exhortignore": [ "jsonwebtoken" ] }
Golang users can add in go.mod a comment with //exhortignore next to the package to be ignored, or to "piggyback" on existing comment ( e.g - //indirect) , for example:
module github.com/RHEcosystemAppEng/SaaSi/deployer go 1.19 require ( github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.9.1 github.com/google/uuid v1.1.2 github.com/jessevdk/go-flags v1.5.0 //exhortignore github.com/kr/pretty v0.3.1 gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 k8s.io/apimachinery v0.26.1 k8s.io/client-go v0.26.1 ) require ( github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect exhortignore github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 v3.9.0 // indirect github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.3 // indirect //exhortignore )
Python pip users can add in requirement text a comment with #exhortignore(or # exhortignore) to the right of the same artifact to be ignored, for example:
anyio==3.6.2 asgiref==3.4.1 beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 certifi==2023.7.22 chardet==4.0.0 click==8.0.4 #exhortignore contextlib2==21.6.0 fastapi==0.75.1 Flask==2.0.3 h11==0.13.0 idna==2.10 immutables==0.19 importlib-metadata==4.8.3 itsdangerous==2.0.1 Jinja2==3.0.3 MarkupSafe==2.0.1 pydantic==1.9.2 # exhortignore requests==2.25.1 six==1.16.0 sniffio==1.2.0 soupsieve==2.3.2.post1 starlette==0.17.1 typing_extensions==4.1.1 urllib3==1.26.16 uvicorn==0.17.0 Werkzeug==2.0.3 zipp==3.6.0
Gradle users can add in build.gradle a comment with //exhortignore next to the package to be ignored:
plugins { id 'java' } group = 'groupName' version = 'version' repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation "groupId:artifactId:version" // exhortignore } test { useJUnitPlatform() }
You can specify the method to ignore dependencies in manifest (globally), by setting the environment variable EXHORT_IGNORE_METHOD
to one of the following values:
Possible values:
- ignoring the dependency and all of its subtree(all transitives) - default.sensitive
- ignoring the dependency but let its transitives remain if they are also transitive of another dependency in the tree or if they're direct dependency of root in the dependency tree.
There are 2 approaches for customizing Exhort Java API. Using Environment Variables or Java Properties:
System.setProperty("EXHORT_MVN_PATH", "/path/to/custom/mvn");
System.setProperty("EXHORT_NPM_PATH", "/path/to/custom/npm");
System.setProperty("EXHORT_GO_PATH", "/path/to/custom/go");
System.setProperty("EXHORT_GRADLE_PATH", "/path/to/custom/gradle");
//python - python3, pip3 take precedence if python version > 3 installed
System.setProperty("EXHORT_PYTHON3_PATH", "/path/to/python3");
System.setProperty("EXHORT_PIP3_PATH", "/path/to/pip3");
System.setProperty("EXHORT_PYTHON_PATH", "/path/to/python");
System.setProperty("EXHORT_PIP_PATH", "/path/to/pip");
Environment variables takes precedence.
The HTTP Client Library can be configured to use HTTP Protocol version through environment variables, so if there is a problem with one of the HTTP Versions, the other can be configured through a dedicated environment variable.
Environment Variable | Accepted Values | Default |
This project uses each ecosystem's executable for creating dependency trees. These executables are expected to be present on the system's PATH environment. If they are not, or perhaps you want to use custom ones. Use can use the following keys for setting custom paths for the said executables.
Ecosystem | Default | Executable Key |
Maven | mvn | EXHORT_MVN_PATH |
Node Package Manager (npm) | npm | EXHORT_NPM_PATH |
Go Modules | go | EXHORT_GO_PATH |
Gradle | gradle | EXHORT_GRADLE_PATH |
Python programming language | python3 | EXHORT_PYTHON3_PATH |
Python pip Package Installer | pip3 | EXHORT_PIP3_PATH |
Python programming language | python | EXHORT_PYTHON_PATH |
Python pip Package Installer | pip | EXHORT_PIP_PATH |
In Python pip and in golang go modules package managers ( especially in Python pip) , There is a big chance that for a certain manifest and a given package inside it, the client machine environment has different version installed/resolved
for that package, which can lead to perform the analysis on the installed packages' versions , instead on the declared versions ( in manifests - that is requirements.txt/go.mod ), and this
can cause a confusion for the user in the client consuming the API and leads to inconsistent output ( in THE manifest there is version X For a given Package A
, and in the analysis report there is another version for the same package A
- Y).
To eliminate confusion and improve clarity as discussed above, the following setting was introduced - MATCH_MANIFEST_VERSIONS
, in the form of environment variable/key in opts ( as usual , environment variable takes precedence )
for two ecosystems:
- Golang - Go Modules
- Python - pip
Two possible values for this setting:
- MATCH_MANIFEST_VERSIONS="false" - means that if installed/resolved versions of packages are different than the ones declared in the manifest, the process will ignore this difference and will continue to analysis with installed/resolved versions ( this is the original logic flow )
- MATCH_MANIFEST_VERSIONS="true" - means that before starting the analysis,
the api will compare all the versions of packages in manifest against installed/resolved versions on client' environment, in case there is a difference, it will throw an error to the client/user with message containing the first encountered versions mismatch, including package name, and the versions difference, and will suggest to set setting
="false" to ignore all differences
By default, all go.mod' packages' transitive modules will be taken to analysis with their original package version, that is,
if go.mod has 2 modules, a
and b
, and each one of them has the same package c with same major version v1, but different minor versions:
- namespace/c/v1@v1.1
- namespace/c/v1@v1.2
Then both of these packages will be entered to the generated sbom and will be included in analysis returned to client. In golang, in an actual build of an application into an actual application executable binary, only one of the minor versions will be included in the executable, as only packages with same name but different major versions considered different packages , hence can co-exist together in the application executable.
Go ecosystem knows how to select one minor version among all the minor versions of the same major version of a given package, using the MVS Algorithm.
In order to enable this behavior, that only shows in analysis modules versions that are actually built into the application executable, please set
system property/environment variable - EXHORT_GO_MVS_LOGIC_ENABLED=true
(Default is false)
By default, Python support assumes that the package is installed using the pip/pip3 binary on the system PATH, or of the customized Binaries passed to environment variables. If the package is not installed , then an error will be thrown.
There is an experimental feature of installing the requirement.txt on a virtual env(only python3 or later is supported for this feature) - in this case,
it's important to pass in a path to python3 binary as EXHORT_PYTHON3_PATH
or instead make sure that python3 is on the system path.
in such case, You can use that feature by setting environment variable EXHORT_PYTHON_VIRTUAL_ENV
to true
Since Python pip packages are very sensitive/picky regarding python version changes( every small range of versions is only tailored for a certain python version), I'm introducing this feature, that tries to install all packages in requirements.txt onto created virtual environment while disregarding versions declared for packages in requirements.txt This increasing the chances and the probability a lot that the automatic installation will succeed.
A New setting is introduced - EXHORT_PYTHON_INSTALL_BEST_EFFORTS
(as both env variable/key in options
="false" - install requirements.txt while respecting declared versions for all packages.EXHORT_PYTHON_INSTALL_BEST_EFFORTS
="true" - install all packages from requirements.txt, not respecting the declared version, but trying to install a version tailored for the used python version, when using this setting,you must set settingMATCH_MANIFEST_VERSIONS
By Default, The API algorithm will use native commands of PIP installer as data source to build the dependency tree.
It's also possible, to use lightweight Python PIP utility pipdeptree as data source instead, in order to activate this,
Need to set environment variable/system property - EXHORT_PIP_USE_DEP_TREE
to true.
Generate vulnerability analysis report for container images.
package com.redhat.exhort;
import com.redhat.exhort.api.AnalysisReport;
import com.redhat.exhort.image.ImageRef;
import com.redhat.exhort.impl.ExhortApi;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
public class ExhortImageExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// instantiate the Exhort API implementation
var exhortApi = new ExhortApi();
// create a reference to image test1 by specifying image name and its platform when applicable
var imageRef1 = new ImageRef("quay.io/test/test1:latest", "linux/amd64");
// create a reference to image test2 by specifying image name
var imageRef2 = new ImageRef("quay.io/test/test2:latest", null);
// get a byte array future holding a html Image Analysis reports
CompletableFuture<byte[]> htmlImageReport = exhortApi.imageAnalysisHtml(Set.of(imageRef1, imageRef2));
// get a map of AnalysisReport future holding a deserialized Image Analysis reports
CompletableFuture<Map<ImageRef, AnalysisReport>> imageReport = exhortApi.imageAnalysis(Set.of(imageRef1, imageRef2));
Installation of the tools/cli for analyzing image vulnerability.
Tool | CLI Installation | Required |
Syft | syft | True |
Skopeo | skopeo | True |
Docker | docker | False |
Podman | podman | False |
Customize image analysis optionally by using Environment Variables or Java Properties.
Env / Property | Description | Default Value |
EXHORT_SYFT_PATH | Custom path to the syft executable |
syft |
EXHORT_SYFT_CONFIG_PATH | Custom path to the syft configuration file |
.syft.yaml, .syft/config.yaml, $HOME/.syft.yaml |
EXHORT_SYFT_IMAGE_SOURCE | Source from which syft looks for the images (e.g. docker, podman, registry) |
(By default, Syft attempts to resolve it using: the Docker, Podman, and Containerd daemons followed by direct registry access, in that order) |
EXHORT_SKOPEO_PATH | Custom path to the skopeo executable |
skopeo |
EXHORT_SKOPEO_CONFIG_PATH | Custom path to the authentication file used by skopeo inspect |
$HOME/.docker/config.json |
EXHORT_IMAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT | Host endpoint of the container runtime daemon / service | |
EXHORT_DOCKER_PATH | Custom path to the docker executable |
docker |
EXHORT_PODMAN_PATH | Custom path to the podman executable |
podman |
EXHORT_IMAGE_PLATFORM | Default platform used for multi-arch images | |
EXHORT_IMAGE_OS | Default OS used for multi-arch images when EXHORT_IMAGE_PLATFORM is not set |
EXHORT_IMAGE_ARCH | Default Architecture used for multi-arch images when EXHORT_IMAGE_PLATFORM is not set |
EXHORT_IMAGE_VARIANT | Default Variant used for multi-arch images when EXHORT_IMAGE_PLATFORM is not set |
For pip requirements.txt - It's been observed that for python versions 3.11.x, there might be slowness for invoking the analysis. If you encounter a performance issue with python version >= 3.11.x, kindly try to set environment variable/system property
=true, before calling the analysis - this should fix the performance issue. -
For maven pom.xml, it has been noticed that using java 17 might cause stack analysis to hang forever. This is caused by maven
Plugin bug when running with JDK/JRE' JVM version 17.To overcome this, you can use any other java version (14,20,21, etc..). ( best way is to install JDK/JRE version different from 17 , and set the location of the installation in environment variable
so maven will use it.)