git clone
If you are on windows, make sure you are using UNIX line endings as most of the tools will inside a linux docker container.
The quickest way to get the application up and running on your local machine is using Docker
Once you have Docker installed,
Go to the root directory of the project and run
$ docker-compose build
this will create all the containers for the application.
Note. This is going to take a while to complete. The good news is it's only when done for the first time.
Now that everything is installed, run
$ docker-compose up
Go to
Note this is different from what the terminal states will not work only localhost will.
To stop the application, just hit Ctrl+C
You will need to have Java 8 installed on your system and also groovy and gradle. SDKMAN! is a good option to install the latter two.
In a terminal, run
$ docker-compose up neo4j
This will start the neo4j container.
In another terminal you can run
$ cd api api$ ./gradlew bootRun
to start up the backend api; And then, you can test it through its swagger interface or using any other REST Client, like Postman
If you want to use an IDE like IntelliJ Idea (this is the preferred one) or Eclipse, you can generate the appropriate project files by running
api$ ./gradlew idea
api$ ./gradlew eclipse
and then import the project in the IDE
In a terminal, run
$ docker-compose up api
This will start the backend api and neo4j containers.
In a second terminal
$ cd frontend frontend$ npm install frontend$ npm run dev
Go to
For a supercharged frontend dev experience, make sure you have these Chrome extensions installed:
- Visit the Neo4j interface http://localhost:7474/
- Copy the script from /api/src/main/resources/data.cql (ignoring line 1) paste into the console
- Click the 'Play' button to run
There are some helpful examples to help understand the way that Neo4J interfaces with the API code in the Neo4J tutorial
- Enable CORS globally:
- Change components to use ES6 classes
- Change components to use stylesheets (one per component i.e {Component.css}) and BEM for styles i.e. {Component}-{element}-{modifier}
- Start convention for naming of events:
- FETCH_OBJ - dispatch to make the api request
- FETCH_OBJ_SUCCESS - dispatch when a successful response is returned from the api request
- FETCH_OBJ_FAILURE - dispatch when a failed response is returned from the api request
- RESET_OBJ - dispatch to reset components state. This is optional
- Apply these conventions to current Case List, People, Create Case and Create Person
- Introduce redux into new case relationship screen
- Develop functionality for case relationship screen to load details into the right panel when a relationship is selected
- Upgrade frontend to use create-react-app and latest Node
- Make it easy to run frontend in docker with live reload and update wiki on how to do this
- Fix issue with backend where gradle is downloading libraries/packages when backend code is changed
- Fix issue with frontend yarn install (This may be fixed by the upgrading above)
- Fix issue with docker-compose up which appears to be rebuilding and re-downloading
Windows 7: If you see this
←[91m/bin/sh: 1: ./gradlew: Permission denied
←[0m←[31mERROR←[0m: Service 'api' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c ./gradlew build jar' returned a non-zero code: 126
then you can try running the api on its own, and using docker to run everything else:
- Edit
to comment-out (#) theapi
section, and the link to it infrontend/links
. - Rerun
docker-compose build
thendocker-compose up
as below. - Open a command prompt at \api. Run
gradlew bootRun
to start the api