This is the driver for the KVG 1750 Fiber Optic Gyro IMU
cd catkin_ws/src
Copy repository
git clone
Install necessary accompanying packages
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-device-driver
Clone necessary accompanying git repos
git clone
Give user permissions to access the IMU over a serial connnection
sudo usermod -a -G tty river
sudo usermod -a -G dialout river
- Roll Back the RIVeR Util to a previous tag
git fetch --all --tags
cd river_util
git checkout aero_2014
- Remove unecessary packages
cd ..
rm -rf river_util/safety_interface/
rm -rf river_util/robot_teleop/
rm -rf river_util/stereo_image_sync/
Reboot the computer - this is needed to force the system to pickup the new device permissions
sudo reboot now
Run launch file
roslaunch kvh_driver master.launch