Attendance using Face recognition
Python 3.3+
Node js with npm
download and install cmake
install dlib
pip install dlib
instal face recognition model
pip install face_recognition
Create a new folder for the project and open command prompt in that folder and install electron(install electron version 3.0.2) using following command
npm install electron@3.0.2 --save-dev
copy all the files in the repository to your project folder
create a .xlsx file containing the names of the people who are to be recognized (file template provided in example folder)
create a folder which contains images of the people. Note: filename of the image must match the name in .xlsx file. (Refer example folder)
open command prompt in the project folder and run the following command
npm start
First add a class then mark the attendance and then go to the homepage and click show records to view the result.
A Windows App packaged using electon packager is available on the following link