The Sawyer MoveIt repo is intended as an interface to the MoveIt motion planning library for enabling the development of complex 7-DOF trajectory generation.
This repository contains the packages for installation/use of the Sawyer Robot in MoveIt.
Please follow the Getting Started wiki page for instructions on installation of the Intera SDK: | |
Then please follow the MoveIt Tutorial wiki page for instructions on getting started with MoveIt: |
. | +-- sawyer_moveit/ Sawyer MoveIt metapackage containing all Sawyer-specific packages | +-- sawyer_moveit.rosinstall rosinstall script containing all required Sawyer dependency repos | +-- sawyer_moveit_config/ Custom MoveIt pacakge with config, launch, and srdf files for sawyer
intera_sdk | |
intera_commom | |
sawyer_robot | |