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This is a script for converting the Three.js codebase to ES2015 classes.

It's very bad code — it's not intended to be maintained over time, but rather to convert the codebase once in order to create a pull request.

Running the converter

  • Clone this repo
  • Install dependencies with npm install
  • Run npm run pull to fetch the Three.js repo
  • (cd three.js && npm install) to install Three.js's dependencies
  • Run npm run test to run the converter and check that the unit tests still pass.

Once that's done, cd three.js then:

  • npm run build to build the bundle
  • npx serve to serve the site, then visit localhost:5000/examples to make sure the examples still work (some of them don't! See below)
  • rm -rf src.original examples.original to get rid of the original source code that has been replaced

Why are you doing this?

There are several good reasons to update from functions to classes. Firstly, the resulting bundle is smaller and faster:

size minified gzipped
current 1104363 774528 158525
with classes 1068830 738111 154331

The minified JavaScript is roughly 5% smaller. Profiling shows that there's an even bigger reduction in the time the browser typically spends parsing and evaluating the bundle.

Secondly, they're (arguably!) much nicer — instead of this...

function Path( points ) { this );

	// ...


Path.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( CurvePath.prototype ), {

	constructor: Path,

	setFromPoints: function ( points ) {

		// ...


	// ...

} );

...we can do this:

class Path extends CurvePath {
	constructor ( points ) {


		// ...


	setFromPoints ( points ) {

		// ...


	// ...

The intent of the code is much more explicit, and it's just a lot more compact and neat.

Classes are also easier to statically analyse than the alternative, which hopefully paves the way for tree-shaking. We're not quite there yet, as there's still a lot of not-quite-idiomatic code in the Three.js codebase which make static analysis tricky. But we can fix that!

What's broken/missing?

All the tests pass, and almost all the examples continue to work. The ones that don't work are broken because with classes you can no longer do this sort of thing (which would be a breaking change for some Three.js users):

function ConvexBufferGeometry( points ) { this );

	// ...


Instead, you must make ConvexBufferGeometry a subclass of THREE.BufferGeometry:

class ConvexBufferGeometry extends THREE.BufferGeometry {
	constructor ( points ) {


		// ...


	// ...

Automatically converting all those cases is tricky. It might be easier just to fix them manually in a second pull request.

Another difference between classes and functions relates to hoisting. Because functions are hoisted to the top of the scope, circular dependencies (such as exist between Matrix4 and Vector3) aren't a huge problem. Classes are not hoisted in the same way, which means that the order of concatenation matters. The cases where this is a problem can easily be fixed manually, but as far as this converter is concerned, the easiest thing is just to leave Vector3, Box3 and Quaternion as functions.

Follow-up work

Aside from fixing the broken examples, there are a few opportunities to tweak the codebase further. For example there are several cases where methods are defined inside IIFEs — presumably a legacy from before the codebase was modularised, when it was important to avoid variable name clashes:

intersectsSphere: ( function () {

	var closestPoint = new Vector3();

	return function intersectsSphere( sphere ) {

		// Find the point on the AABB closest to the sphere center.
		this.clampPoint(, closestPoint );

		// If that point is inside the sphere, the AABB and sphere intersect.
		return closestPoint.distanceToSquared( ) <= ( sphere.radius * sphere.radius );


} )(),

The code above (assigning a method to Box3) could instead be written like so:

// at the top of the file
let closestPoint;

// inside the class body
intersectsSphere ( sphere ) {

	if (!closestPoint) closestPoint = new Vector3();

	// Find the point on the AABB closest to the sphere center.
	this.clampPoint(, closestPoint );

	// If that point is inside the sphere, the AABB and sphere intersect.
	return closestPoint.distanceToSquared( ) <= ( sphere.radius * sphere.radius );


Changing this would allow Vector3 to become a class rather than a function.




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