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4.3.6-40402 (multi-client)

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@Road-block Road-block released this 13 Feb 16:36

Changelog Highlights:

  • push mode updates from masterlooter on group changes
  • fix bidlinks performing actions for both modes at the same time
  • re-initialize custom_class_colors later to workaround load order issues
  • multiple item tokens handling (e.g. Crystallized Firestone)
  • favorite handling improvements


  • wincount option for hybrid epgp mode (item level cutoff enabled, wincount applies to the items that go to /roll)
  • crystallized firestone GP value selector


  • epgp standings networking since Blizzard thought it a good idea to only have 2 permission levels in Cata Classic: "officer" / "not officer"


  • epgp mode: Option for ML to set an itemlevel cutoff point below which items go to /roll
    • sub option to still allow players to "spend" PR for those items with higher priority than /roll
  • item browser/favorites improvements: add a sortable equip location column, let player send a soft-reserve request from item context menu when in plusroll mode
  • reduce addon footprint by removing some hooks (switch to using addon domain custom hyperlinks)
  • add a built-in gearpoint pricelist for Cataclysm classic and token/item mappings
  • update the export strings for current wowhead url structure
  • embed and interface metadata updates


  • Merged realms (era) support (epgp mode only)
  • Implement allies structure to let guilds include non-guild players to their epgp
  • Gui options for managing alts and allies
  • ItemLevel filter for gp award prompts when masterlooting (wrath only)
  • Trust/delegate system to let epgp admins request RL actions (ML, raidsize, raiddiff)
  • Suspend option (puts addon in stealth mode, for the session, accessible from minimap/panel r-click or cmd-line)
  • Send notifications for single target EP awards (eg. standby)
  • Various options ui, logging and list frame improvements
  • Classic Era / HC (1.15.x) compatibility
  • Wrath Classic P4 (3.4.3) compatibility
  • Version upgrade mechanism


This addon is for use on official Cataclysm Classic 4.4.x, and World of Warcraft Classic (1.15.x) realms.

Usage: Manual on curseforge (dated)

Note: Files are the same and are multi-client. They are provided as separate packages for updaters like WowUp.