Robert Krawitz's tools for installing etc. OpenShift 4 clusters.
Table of Contents
oinst: OpenShift 4.x IPI installer wrapper, currently for AWS, GCE, and libvirt.
You may want to install kubechart ( and oschart ( to monitor the cluster as it boots and runs.
I welcome PRs to extend this to other platforms. See the
API below for more information. -
ocp4-upi-util: OpenShift 4.x UPI installer wrapper, currently for baremetal hosts supporting IPMI. Needs more documentation. Examples in
. -
waitfor-pod: wait for a specified pod to make its appearance (used as a helper by
). -
bastion-ssh and bastion-scp -- use an ssh bastion to access cluster nodes.
install-custom-kubelet -- install a custom kubelet into a cluster.
set-worker-parameters -- set various kubelet parameters and wait for the operation to complete
clean-cluster: clean up a libvirt cluster if
openshift-install destroy cluster
doesn't work. -
get-first-master: find the external IP address first master node of a cluster.
get-masters: get the external IP addresses of all of the master nodes of a cluster.
get-nodes: get the external (if available) or internal IP address of each node in a cluster.
clusterbuster -- generate pods, namespaces, and secrets to stress test a cluster. See documentation
force-pull-clusterbuster-image - force-pull the ClusterBuster images so that they are present on all nodes in a cluster.
monitor-cluster-resources -- monitor CPU, memory, and pod utilization per-node in real time.
net-traffic -- report information about network traffic similar to iostat.
prom-extract: Capture selected Prometheus data for the duration of a run; report the results along with metadata and workload output JSON-formatted.
is written in Python. It requires the following Python3 libraries to be installed:-
python3-pyyaml: available via dnf/yum on Fedora, RHEL, etc.
prometheus-api-client: not currently packaged. This can be installed via
pip3 install prometheus-api-client
. Note that this is not the same package asprometheus-client
, which is available via dnf.prometheus-api-client
provides the Prometheus query API, whileprometheus-client
is a Prometheus provider.Newer versions of
may require versions ofpandas
newer than you can run. If so, you will need to installprometheus_api_client==0.4.2
.Note that
does not install all of its dependencies. Ifpip3 install prometheus-api-client==0.4.2
fails, you will need to install the following dependencies, either via your system packages or viapip
(system packages may not always provide new enough dependencies).- A C++ compiler gcc-c++ or llvm)
- pandas==1.1.5
- cython
- numpy
openshift-client: not currently packaged. This can be installed via
pip3 install openshift-client
. It provides much of the OpenShift client API.Note that
cannot and/or does not install all needed dependencies. Ifpip3 install openshift-client
fails, please ensure that the following dependencies are installed (this is current for RHEL 8.x and should be similar for other distributions):- A C compiler (gcc or llvm)
- python3-libs
- rust
- setuptools-rust
- python3-wheel
- python3-pip-wheel
- cryptography
- cargo
- python3-devel
prom-extract _options_ -- _command args..._
Takes the following options:
-u prometheus url: Provide the URL to the cluster Prometheus server. This normally isn't needed; the tool can find it for itself.
-t prometheus token: Provide the authentication token for the cluster Prometheus server. This normally isn't needed. Currently, username/password authentication is not needed.
-s timestep: Reporting time step for metrics in seconds; default 30.
-m metrics profile: Profile of metrics to extract. This is the same syntax as Kube-Burner metrics profile sytax. Default is
in the current directory. -
--epoch relative start: Start the metrics collection from the specified period (default 1200 seconds) prior to the start of the job run.
--post-settling-time seconds: Continue collecting metrics for the specified period (default 60 seconds) after the job completes.
--json-from-command: Assume that the stdout from the command is well-formed JSON, and embed that JSON in the report.
If the JSON output contains a key named
, it will be copied into aresults
key in the report; otherwise the entire JSON contents will be copied intoresults
.If the JSON output contains a key named
, these will be copied into the report.api_objects
should be a list of entries, each of which contains keysname
, andnamespace
. These objects should be in existence after the job exits, so that they can be queried via the equivalent ofoc get -ojson ...
. Pods have abbreviated data included; other objects are fully included. These resources are not deleted.Any remaining objects in the JSON output are copied into a
key. -
--uuid uuid: Use the specified UUID as the index for the report. If not provided, one is generated and reported on stderr. This is useful for e. g. indexing the report into a database.
openshift-release-info -- get various information about one or more releases.
get-container-status: retrieve the status of each running container on the cluster.
get-images: retrieve the image and version of each image used by the cluster.
bench-army-knife -- orchestrate PBench under OpenShift or Kubernetes.
Please see pbench/ for more information.
bench-army-knife provides a way to run workloads under PBench without any requirement to ssh from the pbench controller to pbench agents. The only requirement is to be able to ssh from the agents to the bench-army-knife controller (which runs the pbench controller). This is done by having the agents ssh to the bench-army-knife controller to open a tunnel back to the agent by means of customizing the ssh configuration. The Tool Meister orchestration in PBench at present does not completely eliminate the need to ssh to the agents; bench-army-knife does.
This also provides a way to run agents either within worker pods or standalone on worker nodes, or both. The latter is useful if one is running a workload inside a VM under OpenShift, allowing capture of information both from the node (host) and the pod (running inside the guest).
The bench-army-knife controller can be run either outside the cluster or in a separate pod inside the cluster, as desired. The bench-army-knife controller listens for the desired number of connections from agents and runs
followed by the workload, and when everything is complete runspbench-move-results
to save away the data.Included is a container based on the PBench container image with some additional tools, and the necessary pieces required for bench-army-knife to operate. These include:
- -- run a passed-in command within the bench-army-knife container environment
run-pbench-agent-container -- run the pbench agent within a bench-army-knife container
run-pbench-controller -- operate pbench controller functions within a bench-army-knife container
Dockerfile.base, Dockerfile -- dockerfiles for building the images with just RPMs and with other files needed for bench-army-knife. The base image (bench-army-base) is not sufficient for running bench-army-knife.
The container image can be used to run benchmarks without PBench, too.
a flexible CentOS 8 based container that
contains pbench, fio, uperf, and many performance tools. The
container using this image should usually be run with
as its command. This takes the name of a file to run, along with
that file's arguments. The file is normally mounted into a
container. Among other things, it provides a convenient way to wrap
a benchmark (or other) run without having to either create a
separate image or pass it in on the command line itself.
When using OpenShift or Kubernetes, the easiest way to pass the script in is via a configmap. For example:
$ oc create configmap systemconfigmap-cb-0 --from-file=/home/me/mytest
$ oc apply -F - <<'EOF'
- name: "c0"
imagePullPolicy: Always
image: ""
- "/etc/bootstrap/mytest"
- "arg0"
- "arg1"
- name: "systemconfigmap-cb-0"
mountPath: "/etc/bootstrap"
readOnly: true
- name: "systemconfigmap-cb-0"
name: "systemconfigmap-cb-0"
The API for oinst
consists of a platform plugin handling API calls
through a dispatch function. Platform plugins are bash scripts source
by oinst
Each supported platform must provide a plugin residing in
may be a path, in which case each directory on
the path is searched. The name of the file is taken to be the name of
the platform. Autosave/backup files are not searched.
The platform plugin must provide a dispatch function, typically named
, that handles the API calls, which will be
presented below. Responses to API calls are provided by text on
stdout and the status (return) code; errors may be logged to stderr.
Note that all names visible at global scope (i. e. not defined with
within a shell function) must start with _____<platform>
(five or six underscores). Any other names result
in an error. Any state you want to save must be in variables declared
via declare -g
, as described in the bash man page.
All plugins must call, from top level
add_platform _____<platform>_dispatch
to register the plugin. As noted, the dispatch function is typically
named dispatch
, but need not be as long as the global scope rule is
followed. If add_platform
is not called, or the platform name does
not match the filename, the plugin is ignored.
If a platform plugin wishes to make options available to the user via
-X option=value
(or --option=value
), it must call
register_options [options...]
All options must start with the platform name. These options are dispatched as described below.
All routines here may make use of any variables and functions in the
script that do not start with an underscore. They are all of
the form
operation [args]
base_domain domainname -- specify the DNS domain name of the cluster to be created.
cleanup -- perform any platform-specific cleanup functions. Generally
will perform cleanup; this may be used for backup or if anything else needs to be done. -
default_install_type -- returns the default installation type. This may be used if e. g. a plugin supports installation to multiple zones, and the plugin wishes to specify one of them as the default (perhaps picked at random).
diagnose text -- attempt to recognize any errors in the installer's output stream, to generate later diagnostics if the installer fails. If the line is recognized, the diagnostic routine should call
set_diagnostic <diagnostic-name> <diagnostic-routine>
is the name that the diagnostic routine will use to recognize that the particular diagnostic was set. Thediagnostic-name
's name must follow the naming requirements above.If installation fails, the
will be invoked with thediagnostic-name
. It should print an appropriate error message to stdout, with an additional newline at the end. If the return status is1
, the diagnostic is taken as authoritative; default diagnostics related to credentials are not printed in that case. If the diagnosis is less certain, thediagnostic-routine
should return0
. -
is_install_type install_type -- return a status of 0 if the name of the install type is recognized by this plugin, in which case this plugin will handle all future API calls. If it does not recognize the name of this installation type, it should return 1.
machine_cidr -- print the desired machine CIDR value.
master -- print any additional YAML that should be supplied in the
definition. The YAML code will be indented appropriately. -
platform -- print any additional YAML that should be supplied in the
definition. -
worker -- print any additional YAML that should be supplied in the
definition. -
postinstall -- perform any additional steps that are needed after installation successfully completes. This may include installation of e. g. extra DNS or routing beyond the normal
oc login
. It does not need to include creation of an ssh bastion. -
replicas node-type -- echo the number of replicas desired. node-type will be either
. This routine may call `cmdline_replicas node-type default to use the number of replicas requested on the command line, along with the desired platform-specific default. -
set_option option value -- set the specified option to the desired value.
setup -- perform any necessary setup rasks prior to installation (e. g. cleaning additional caches beyond the standard, setting any top level variables to non-default values).
supports_bastion -- return a status of 0 (normal return) if the platform supports a bastion ssh host, or 1 (failure return) if it does not.
validate -- perform any platform-specific validation. This routine may exit (by calling
) with an appropriate error message.A typical validation may involve validating the instance type used in the installation. See Validating Instance Types below.
platform_help type -- provide platform-specific help information that will be appended to the help message. Copy one of the other help routines for starters. An unknown type should be ignored.
install_types -- provide a list of install types supported by the platform (e. g. cloud provider zones). Conventionally, the first line is flush to the left and indicates the default; other supported installation types are indented two spaces.
default_domain -- provide the default installation domain to be used.
options -- provide text with a help message for platform-specific options registered via
If the dispatch function is called with an operation that it does not
know about, it may call dispatch_unknown <platform> <args>
to notify
that it was called invalidly (and that probably the platform needs to
be fixed). This should only be done if it is called with an argument
outside of the list above; operations that it knows about but simply
doesn't so anything with should simply be ignored.
Cloud providers typically offer a variety of machine instance types with differing amounts of memory, CPU, storage, network bandwidth, etc. Validating these instance types up front saves considerable time. Validation failure is considered to be a soft error; the user may continue, but is warned that the chosen instance type is not known to be valid. This allows the user to specify e. g. a new instance type that hasn't been added to the validation list yet.
If the platform validation function wishes to validate the instance type, it should call
validate_instance_type "$worker_type" $master_type" <platform> <option_to_use> <instance_splitter> [instance names...]
The arguments to this function are:
worker_type is the worker type specified on the command line; normally it should be passed literally as
master_type is the master type specified on the command line; normally it should be passed literally as
platform is the name of the platform that should be presented in a help message (which may be different, or capitalized differently, from the defined platform name)
option_to_use is the name of the option to use if the user wants to get a list of known valid instance types. Assuming that
, the help will suggest specifying--master_type=list
for a short list of instance types, or--master_type=list-all
for the full list.master_type
is usually fine to use here. -
instance_splitter is the name of a shell function that splits each instance name into a type name and instance size or similar (subtype). It should print two lines, the first being the name of the type and the second being the instance size/subtype. The function should do the splitting appropriately for the cloud provider's nomenclature. For example, for AWS
would be split intom5 xlarge
instance names (all other arguements on the command line) is a list of known instance names. Instance type names are used to determine where to split lines, so all instances of a given type should be grouped together. There are some special names that may be provided for grouping; all of these should be prefixed with a space:
" X.Family" is the name of a broader family of instance types, e. g. general purpose, compute optimized, etc. If the user specifies
, only the first family in the lists's members are printed; if the user specifeslist-all
, all instance types are printed. -
" Y.Instance Type" is the name of a particular instance that should be treated as its own family (not split) and always printed at the left on its own line.
If the type name is a single space, the family name is treated as being empty and is not printed.
If the validator function recognizes the type name but not the instance size name, it will list the known instance sizes as suggestions.