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Experimental paradigms run with PsychoPy that I’ve accumulated over the years, including EyeLink and SMI eye tracker interfaces. EyeLink requires the Pylink toolbox, and SMI requires the serial toolbox. The GazeVis toolbox ( has MATLAB functions to import and analyze the resulting log files from PsychoPy and both eye tracker systems.

SampleExperiment represents my current estimate of best practices in logging and timing.

The GeneralTools and EyeTrackerTools folders should be added to PsychoPy's path in Preferences --> General --> paths.

The tasks in the Reading folder use the eye tracker interfaces. _eyelink uses the EyeLink tracker, serial uses the SMI tracker. _practice is behavior only, and _questions includes the questions shown afterwards. These require image files of text as input, which can be generated using the GazeVis toolbox. The results of these experiments can be imported and analyzed in MATLAB using this toolbox.

The BasicExperiments folder contains several earlier paradigms that I played with before settling on the reading paradigm. They are not as polished, but could serve as a starting point for those wishing to implement things like them. They are:

  • AudioInterspersedQuestions: play sound file and periodically stop to ask questions.
  • AudtitorySartTask: Implement an audio version of the SART (sustained attention response task) described in Seli 2011 (doi:10.1037/a0025111)
  • BopItTask: Audio-behavior association task based on the game BopIt.
  • ColorVigilanceTask: Simple visual vigilance task where a central fixation dot changes color at random intervals.
  • FlankerTask: Implement the Erikson Flanker Task described in Eichele 2008 (doi: 10.1073/pnas.0708965105)
  • FourLetterTask: Implement a visuospatial working memory task described in Mason et al., Science 2007 (doi: 10.1126/science.1131295)
  • LearnNonsenseWords: Play pairs of nonsense words, then display one and the subject must recall the other (multiple-choice questions)
  • LocalGlobalAttention: Implements the local-global attention task as described in Weissman, Nature Neurosci. 2006 (doi: 10.1038/nn1727)
  • NumericalSartTask: Implement the modified SART (sustained attention response task) described in Morrison 2014 (doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00897)
  • ReadingTask: Display multi-page text with interspersed thought probes (was your mind wandering?). Display comprehension questions at the end. See RunReadingComp for an alternative version.
  • RhythmicTappingTask: Ask the subject to tap along with a beat, then maintain the beat after it stops playing.
  • SequenceLearningTask: Implement a sequence learning task described in Mason et al., Science 2007 (doi: 10.1126/science.1131295)
  • SimonTask: Audio-Visual sequence learning task based on the game Simon.
  • GetPerceptualThreshold/ThresholdToneDetection(_2AFC): use staircasing to find a subject’s audio volume threshold, then periodically play tones near that threshold. _2AFC indicates a 2-alternative forced choice version of this task.
  • VidLecTask: play video file with interspersed thought probes (was your mind wandering?). Display comprehesion questions at the end. See MovieTest for a simpler version of this.


Experimental Paradigms written for PsychoPy







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  • AGS Script 96.5%
  • Python 3.5%