Welcome to the GenAI repository! This is a collection of games, projects, and experiments I generated using AI. While the core code was created with the help of AI, I dedicated considerable time to refine and modify it to ensure proper functionality. This project was born out of my curiosity to see how AI could assist in coding, and the results have been fascinating!
This entire repository was made during my freetime in the 5th semester of university/college, where I had the chance to experiment with AI and see how it could enhance my coding projects in a fun and productive way.
All projects in this repository are hosted on GitHub Pages. Feel free to explore and enjoy!
Here are some of the projects I’ve spent the most time on, and I’m particularly proud of:
A Tic-Tac-Toe game with unbeatable AI! It uses the minimax algorithm to ensure that the computer never loses. I enjoyed fine-tuning the AI to make it as challenging as possible.
This game allows you to progress through various levels. Note: This project is a small mod and was not AI-generated or created by me, but I had a lot of fun tweaking it and adding my personal touches.
A classic memory game where you follow a sequence of colors and sounds. It was a fun challenge to implement the logic and visual effects for the game.
A maze adventure game set in a treasure-filled dungeon! I worked on refining the AI-generated level layout and made adjustments to the game mechanics for a smoother experience.
I will no longer be actively updating this repository due to the following reason:
- This entire repository was made during my freetime in the 5th semester of university/college, and I wanted to focus on experimenting and learning during that time.
However, feel free to explore the code, make improvements, and create your own branches if you'd like to enhance or build upon any of the projects!
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- AI technologies used to generate some of the code.
- GitHub Pages for hosting the projects.
- The open-source community for their inspiration and resources.
Thank you for visiting the GenAI repository! I hope you enjoy exploring the projects and the AI-generated code behind them. Feel free to reach out with any feedback or ideas for new projects!
I considered leaving the last commits for all the projects as they were, but in the end, I wasn’t too happy with it. So, I decided to delete everything for a commit and re-uploaded it, making sure that everything has the same '-- Finalized --' as the last commit. It might not be the most conventional approach, but I personally liked it better this way.
I shall archive this repo as of Jan 31, 2025 12:00 PM.
Unarchived the repository to add project description and tags on February 25, 2025.