My dotfiles for HPC clusters. They make navigating around in a terminal via ssh a lot more comfortable. Used in the following competitions:
Feel free to copy and adapt them to your own needs.
CPU & RAM usage
watch -n 0.5 nvidia-smi
htop for GPUs, alternative: nvidia-smi --loop=1
qsub <>
Submit script
qdel <job_id>
Cancel submitted job
qstat -q
List all queues
qstat -fQ <queue>
List full information about queue
qstat -u $USER
Show all current jobs from your user in all queues
qpeek <job_id>
Display current contents of stdout for this job
qpeek -f <job_id>
Display end of stdout for this job and keep listening (terminate with Ctrl+C)
qsub -I -N stdin -l nodes=1:ppn=16 -l walltime=1:00:00
sbatch <>
Submit script
scancel <job_id>
Cancel submitted job
sinfo -a
List all queues
List all jobs
squeue -u $USER
Show jobs for your users
srun --pty bash
salloc --nodes=3 --bell
The terminal bell will notify you once allocation has been granted. Note that you need to manually connect to that allocation using srun --jobid=<job_id> --pty /bin/bash
spack find --loaded
Find loaded packages
spack install <pkg>%gcc@9.2.0 +openmp
Install package, compile it with gcc 9.2.0 and enable the openmp feature
To update spack: git pull
in the spack directory
Add Slurm sample submission script - Add vim/neovim configuration
- Write bash script that automatically sets up this configuration
- Add aliases for slurm / other useful things
- Add references in the README for easier navigation
- Add explanation for tmux shortcuts
- Explain .zshrc, add p10k & oh-my-zsh configurations