Note: When making each component, make sure to make it responsive (refer to designs on Figma once done)
- - Create react project with file layout
- - Import custom fonts for use with tailwind
- Create individual pages with custom components based on the Figma design
- - Nav bar
- - Home page
- - UI Design
- - Hero section
- - About section
- - Past events
- - Meet the team
- - Our Sponsors
- - Contact us**
- - Mobile UI
- - About section (Max)
- - UI Design
- - Card component for each team member
- - Component for each team
- - Mobile UI
- - Events page
- - UI Design
- - Calendar that opens the event details to the right when clicked, as shown in design (Hassan)
- - Drop down accordion showing all events with pagination, showing 5 events only at a time (Hassan)
- - Mobile UI
- - Algotime
- - UI Design
- - Footer
- - Figure out routing
- - Add SEO tags
- - Maybe fix the background gradient in case it isn't right
- This project is created using Vite
npm create vite@latest
. npm install
npm run dev
npm run build