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Configuring a Server Purely for Campaign Management

Martin Wahnschaffe edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 3 revisions

Server configuration in the file

The whole configuration is described here: Most important are the following two settings:

  • Default locale country.locale: This is the locale your server is using as long as the user has not overwritten it in their settings. It impacts both the language that SORMAS is displayed in as well as e.g. date formats.
  • Custom branding: Properties used to apply a custom branding to SORMAS that overrides its name and default logo. Using these properties also alters the sidebar and adds another customizable area to it. If you want to use this feature, set custombranding to true. is the name that you want to use, custombranding.logo.path is the path to the logo that should be used.

Custom login page

Custom download files in about section

Customizing the name and icon of the android app

Feature configuration You will need to enabled the following two features:

  • Campaigns CAMPAIGNS: The campaigns module allows collecting flexible data which can be customized using the JSON format. Currently this is heavily geared towards vaccination campaigns in Afghanistan, but will be usable in a more generic way in the future for other countries as well.
  • Area Infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_AREA: Enables an additional infrastructure level above region that is called area by default. Currently only used in the campaigns module.

All other features should be disabled.

User roles

It is possible to limit the available user roles that an admin can assign to a created user. To do so, user role config entries have to be created in the database. You can adjust this SQL script to do so:

DO $$
	_roleEnabled boolean := false;
	_roleId bigint;
	_uuid varchar;
	_userRole varchar;
	_userRoles varchar[] := array['USER_ROLE_NAME_A', 'USER_ROLE_NAME_B'];

	FOREACH _userRole IN ARRAY _userRoles

		SELECT id FROM userrolesconfig WHERE userrole = _userRole INTO _roleId;
		IF(_roleId is null) 
				_uuid = overlay(overlay(overlay(
                            substring(upper(REPLACE(CAST(CAST(md5(CAST(random() AS text) || CAST(clock_timestamp() AS text)) AS uuid) AS text), '-', '')), 0, 30)
                            placing '-' from 7) placing '-' from 14) placing '-' from 21);
        		INSERT INTO userrolesconfig (id, uuid, changedate, creationdate, userrole, sys_period, enabled) 
				VALUES (nextval('entity_seq'), _uuid, now(), now(),_userRole, NULL, _roleEnabled);
				UPDATE userrolesconfig SET  changedate =  now(), enabled = _roleEnabled WHERE id = _roleId;
		END IF;		
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql

Campaign definitions in the database