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Markus Napp committed Oct 13, 2020
1 parent 0bec8df commit 05939d9
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 155 deletions.
192 changes: 37 additions & 155 deletions adoc/admin-security-certificates.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -640,190 +640,72 @@ The kubelet client certificate are signed by kube-controller-manager and the kub

The addon certificates can be automatically rotated by leveraging the functions of the open-source solutions `cert-manager` and `reloader`. `cert-manager` is for automatically rotating certificates stored in Secrets, and `reloader` is for watching and reconciling the updated Secrets to execute a rolling upgrade of the affected Deployments or DaemonSet.

. Install reloader via helm chart:
helm install \
--name <RELEASE_NAME> \
--namespace cert-manager \
Or if you have selected the Helm 3 alternative also see <<helm-tiller-install>>:
helm install <RELEASE_NAME> \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
* Prerequisites

. Install cert-manager via helm chart:
helm install \
--name <RELEASE_NAME> \
--namespace cert-manager \
--set global.leaderElection.namespace=cert-manager \
--set installCRDs=true \
Or if you have selected the Helm 3 alternative also see <<helm-tiller-install>>:
. To let `reloader` do an automatic rolling upgrade of the addon Deployments or DaemonSet, we need to label the addons:
helm install <RELEASE_NAME> \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--set global.leaderElection.namespace=cert-manager \
--set installCRDs=true \

* Cert-Manager CA Issuer Resource
The cert-manager CA issuer is a {kube} resource that represents a certificate authority (CA), which can generate signed certificates by honoring certificate signing requests (CSR). Each cert-manager certificate resource requires one referenced issuer in the ready state to be able to honor CSR requests.
An `Issuer` is a namespaced resource, and it can not issue certificates to the certificate resources in other namespaces.
If you want to create a single Issuer that can be consumed in multiple namespaces, you should consider creating a `ClusterIssuer` resource. This is almost identical to the Issuer resource, however, it is cluster-wide so it can be used to issue certificates in all namespaces.

* Cert-Manager Certificate Resource
The cert-manager has a custom resource, Certificate, which can be used to define a requested x509 certificate which will be renewed and kept up to date by an Issuer or ClusterIssuer resource.

==== Client Certificate Rotation
kubectl annotate --overwrite deployment/oidc-dex -n kube-system
If you are running a cluster using cilium version before 1.6, the cilium data is stored in the ETCD cluster, not the custom resources (CR). {skuba} generates a client certificate to read/write the cilium date to the ETCD cluster and the client certificate will expire after 1 year. Please follow the below steps to use cert-manager to automatically renew the cilium client certificate.
kubectl annotate --overwrite deployment/oidc-gangway -n kube-system
. Check the {productname} cilium version before 1.6
CILIUM_OPERATOR=`kubectl get pod -l name=cilium-operator --namespace kube-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`
kubectl exec -it ${CILIUM_OPERATOR} --namespace kube-system -- cilium-operator --version
kubectl annotate --overwrite deployment/metrics-server -n kube-system

. To let `reloader` do an automatic rolling upgrade of the cilium addon DaemonSet, we need to label the addons:
. Upload the Kubernetes CA cert/key pair to Secret in the `kube-system` namespace:
kubectl annotate --overwrite daemonset/cilium -n kube-system
kubectl create secret tls kubernetes-ca --cert=pki/ca.crt --key=pki/ca.key -n kube-system

. Upload the ETCD CA cert/key pair to Secret in the `kube-system` namespace
kubectl create secret tls etcd-ca --cert=pki/etcd/ca.crt --key=pki/etcd/ca.key -n kube-system
If you want to use a custom trusted CA certificate/key to sign the certificate, upload to the secret resource.
. Create a Cert-Manager CA Issuer Resource
Create a CA issuer called `etcd-ca` that will sign incoming certificate requests based on the CA certificate and private key stored in the secret `etcd-ca` used to trust newly signed certificates.
cat << EOF > issuer-etcd-ca.yaml
kind: Issuer
name: etcd-ca
namespace: kube-system
secretName: etcd-ca
kubectl create -f issuer-etcd-ca.yaml
kubectl create secret tls custom-trusted-ca --cert=<CUSTOM_TRUSTED_CA_CERT> --key=<CUSTOM_TRUSTED_CA_KEY> -n kube-system

. Create a Cert-Manager Certificate Resource
Create a certificate resource `cilium-etcd-client` that will watch and auto-renews the secret `cilium-secret` if the certificate residual time is less than the `renewBefore` value.
. Install reloader via helm chart:
cat << EOF > cilium-etcd-client-certificate.yaml
kind: Certificate
name: cilium-etcd-client-cert
namespace: kube-system
- system:masters
commonName: cilium-etcd-client
duration: 8760h # 1 year
renewBefore: 720h # 1 month
secretName: cilium-secret
name: etcd-ca
kind: Issuer
isCA: false
- digital signature
- key encipherment
- client auth
keySize: 2048
keyAlgorithm: rsa
keyEncoding: pkcs1
kubectl create -f cilium-etcd-client-certificate.yaml
helm install suse/reloader \
--name <RELEASE_NAME> \
--namespace cert-manager

==== Server Certificates Rotation

* Prerequisites
. To let `reloader` do an automatic rolling upgrade of the addon Deployments or DaemonSet, we need to label the addons:
. Install cert-manager via helm chart:
kubectl annotate --overwrite deployment/oidc-dex -n kube-system
kubectl annotate --overwrite deployment/oidc-gangway -n kube-system
kubectl annotate --overwrite deployment/metrics-server -n kube-system
helm install suse/cert-manager \
--name <RELEASE_NAME> \
--namespace cert-manager \
--set global.leaderElection.namespace=cert-manager \
--set installCRDs=true

. Upload the Kubernetes CA cert/key pair to Secret in the `kube-system` namespace:
* Create a Cert-Manager CA Issuer Resource
kubectl create secret tls kubernetes-ca --cert=pki/ca.crt --key=pki/ca.key -n kube-system
The cert-manager CA issuer is a {kube} resource that represents a certificate authority (CA), which is able to generate signed certificates by honoring certificate signing requests (CSR). Each cert-manager certificate resource requires one referenced issuer in the ready state to be able to honor CSR requests.
If you want to use a custom trusted CA certificate/key to sign the certificate, upload to the secret resource.
An `Issuer` is a namespaced resource, and it can not issue certificates to the certificate resources in other namespaces.
kubectl create secret tls custom-trusted-ca --cert=<CUSTOM_TRUSTED_CA_CERT> --key=<CUSTOM_TRUSTED_CA_KEY> -n kube-system
If you want to create a single Issuer that can be consumed in multiple namespaces, you should consider creating a `ClusterIssuer` resource. This is almost identical to the Issuer resource, however, it is cluster-wide so it can be used to issue certificates in all namespaces.

* Create a Cert-Manager CA Issuer Resource
Create a CA issuer called `kubernetes-ca` that will sign incoming certificate requests based on the CA certificate and private key stored in the secret `kubernetes-ca` used to trust newly signed certificates.
cat << EOF > issuer-kubernetes-ca.yaml
cat << EOF > issuer.yaml
kind: Issuer
Expand All @@ -834,7 +716,7 @@ spec:
secretName: kubernetes-ca // <2>
kubectl create -f issuer-kubernetes-ca.yaml
kubectl apply -f issuer.yaml
<1> The issuer name.
<2> The secret reference name.
Expand All @@ -845,26 +727,26 @@ If you want to use custom trusted CA certificate/key to sign the certificate, cr
cat << EOF > custom-trusted-kubernetes-ca-issuer.yaml
cat << EOF > custom-trusted-ca-issuer.yaml
kind: Issuer // <1>
name: custom-trusted-kubernetes-ca
name: custom-trusted-ca
namespace: kube-system
secretName: custom-trusted-kubernetes-ca
secretName: custom-trusted-ca
kubectl create -f custom-trusted-kubernetes-ca-issuer.yaml
kubectl apply -f custom-trusted-ca-issuer.yaml
<1> Issuer or ClusterIssuer.

* Create a Cert-Manager Certificate Resource
Create a certificate resource that will watch and auto-renews the secret if the certificate residual time is less than the `renewBefore` value.

The cert-manager has a custom resource, Certificate, which can be used to define a requested x509 certificate which will be renewed and kept up to date by an Issuer or ClusterIssuer resource.
** oidc-dex certificate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -902,7 +784,7 @@ spec:
keyEncoding: pkcs1
kubectl create -f oidc-dex-certificate.yaml
kubectl apply -f oidc-dex-certificate.yaml
<1> Default length of certificate validity, in the format (XhYmZs).
<2> Certificate renewal time before validity expires, in the format (XhYmZs).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -959,7 +841,7 @@ spec:
keyEncoding: pkcs1
kubectl create -f oidc-gangway-certificate.yaml
kubectl apply -f oidc-gangway-certificate.yaml
<1> Default length of certificate validity, in the format (XhYmZs).
<2> Certificate renewal time before validity expires, in the format (XhYmZs).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1010,7 +892,7 @@ spec:
keyEncoding: pkcs1
kubectl create -f metrics-server-certificate.yaml
kubectl apply -f metrics-server-certificate.yaml
<1> Default length of certificate validity, in the format (XhYmZs).
<2> Certificate renewal time before validity expires, in the format (XhYmZs).
Expand Down

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