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Merge pull request #541 from flavio/aws-docs
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nkoranova authored Feb 27, 2020
2 parents bf455df + 8d4d47f commit c49c20e
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Showing 6 changed files with 295 additions and 129 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion adoc/architecture-description.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ Versioning scheme: `x.y.z`
* SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8
* VMware ESXi {vmware_version}
* Bare Metal
* Amazon Web Services (technological preview)

== Supported Architectures

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,9 +331,10 @@ it's needed to have a local RMT server mirroring the CaaSP
repositories, a mirror of the SUSE container registry and a mirror of
the SUSE helm chart repository.

=== Control plane nodes certificates

Certificates are stored under /etc/kubernetes/pki on the control plane nodes.
Certificates are stored under `/etc/kubernetes/pki` on the control plane nodes.

==== CA certificates

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion adoc/book_deployment.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ include::deployment-preparation.adoc[Deployment Preparations, leveloffset=+1]

include::deployment-ecp.adoc[SUSE OpenStack Cloud Instructions, leveloffset=+1]

//include::deployment-aws.adoc[Amazon AWS Cloud Instructions, leveloffset=+1]
include::deployment-aws.adoc[Amazon AWS Cloud Instructions, leveloffset=+1]

include::deployment-vmware.adoc[VMware Deployment Instructions, leveloffset=+1]

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209 changes: 154 additions & 55 deletions adoc/deployment-aws.adoc
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@@ -1,98 +1,197 @@
== Deployment on Amazon AWS

Deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently a tech preview.

.Preparation Required
You must have completed <<deployment.preparations>> to proceed.

You will use {tf} to deploy the whole infrastructure described in
<<architecture-aws>>. Then you will use the `skuba` tool to bootstrap the
{kube} cluster on top of it.

=== AWS Deployment

The AWS deployment created by our {tf} template files leads to the
creation of the infrastructure described in the next paragraphs.

==== Network

All of the infrastructure is created inside of a user specified AWS region.
The resources are currently all located inside of the same availability

The {tf} template files create a dedicated Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (link:[VPC])
with *two subnets*: "public" and "private". Instances inside of the *public subnet* have
link:[Elasic IP addresses]
associated, hence they are reachable from the internet. Instances inside of the *private subnet* are not reachable from the internet.
However they can still reach external resources; for example they can still
perform operations like downloading updates and pulling container images from
external container registries. Communication between the public and the private subnet is allowed.
All the control plane instances are currently located inside of the public
subnet. Worker instances are inside of the private subnet.

Both control plane and worker nodes have tailored
link:[Security Groups]
assigned to them. These are based on the networking requirements described
in <<sysreq-networking>>.

==== Load Balancer

The {tf} template files take care of creating a
link:[Classic Load Balancer]
which exposes the Kubernetes API service deployed on the control plane

You will use {tf} to deploy the required master and worker cluster nodes (plus a load
balancer) and then use the `skuba` tool to bootstrap the {kube} cluster on
top of those.
The load balancer exposes the following ports:

. Download the AWS credentials
.. Log in to the AWS console.
.. Click on your username in the upper right hand corner to reveal the drop-down menu.
.. Click on My Security Credentials.
.. Click Create Access Key on the Security Credentials tab.
.. Note down the newly created _Access_ and _Secret_ keys.
* `6443`: Kubernetes API server
* `32000`: Dex (OIDC Connect)
* `32001`: Gangway (RBAC Authenticate)

=== Deploying the Cluster Nodes
==== Join Already Existing VPCs

The {tf} template files allow the user to have the
{productname} VPC join one or more existing VPCs.

This is achieved by the creation of
link:[VPC peering links]
and dedicated
link:[Route tables].

This feature allows {productname} to access and be accessed by resources defined
inside of other VPCs. For example, this capability can be used to register all
the {productname} instances against a {susemgr} server running inside of a
private VPC.

Current limitations:

* The VPCs must belong to the same AWS region.
* The VPCs must be owned by the same user who is creating the {productname}
infrastructure via {tf}.

==== IAM Profiles

link:[AWS Cloud Provider]
integration for {kube} requires special
link:[IAM] profiles to be associated with the control
plane and worker instances. {tf} can create these profiles or can leverage existing ones.
It all depends on the rights of the user invoking {tf}.

The {tf} link:[AWS provider]
requires your credentials. These can be obtained by following these steps:

* Log in to the AWS console.
* Click on your username in the upper right hand corner to reveal the drop-down menu.
* Click on menu:My Security Credentials[].
* Click menu:Create Access Key[] on the "Security Credentials" tab.
* Note down the newly created _Access_ and _Secret_ keys.

=== Deploying the Infrastructure

On the management machine, find the {tf} template files for AWS in
`/usr/share/caasp/terraform/aws`. These files have been installed as part of
the management pattern (`sudo zypper in -t pattern SUSE-CaaSP-Management`).

. On the management machine, find the {tf} template files for AWS in
`/usr/share/caasp/terraform/aws` (which was installed as part of the management
pattern (`sudo zypper in -t pattern SUSE-CaaSP-Management`)).
Copy this folder to a location of your choice as the files need adjustment.

mkdir -p ~/caasp/deployment/
cp -r /usr/share/caasp/terraform/aws/ ~/caasp/deployment/
cd ~/caasp/deployment/aws/
. Once the files are copied, rename the `terraform.tfvars.example` file to

Once the files are copied, rename the `terraform.tfvars.example` file to

mv terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
. Edit the `terraform.tfvars` file and add/modify the following variables:

Edit the `terraform.tfvars` file and add/modify the following variables:


You can set timezone in before deploying the nodes by modifying the files:
You can set timezone and other parameters before deploying the nodes
by modifying the cloud-init template:
* `~/caasp/deployment/aws/cloud-init/cloud-init.yaml.tpl`
. Enter the registration code for your nodes in `~/caasp/deployment/aws/`:
Substitute `<CAASP_REGISTRATION_CODE>` for the code from <<registration_code>>.

You can enter the registration code for your nodes in
`~/caasp/deployment/aws/` instead of the
`terraform.tfvars` file.

Substitute `CAASP_REGISTRATION_CODE` for the code from <<registration_code>>.

# SUSE CaaSP Product Key
caasp_registry_code = "<CAASP_REGISTRATION_CODE>"
This is required so all the deployed nodes can automatically register with {scc} and retrieve packages.
. Now you can deploy the nodes by running:

This is required so all the deployed nodes can automatically register
with {scc} and retrieve packages.

Now you can deploy the nodes by running:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
Check the output for the actions to be taken. Type "yes" and confirm with Enter when ready.
Terraform will now provision all the machines and network infrastructure for the cluster.

.Public IPs for nodes
Check the output for the actions to be taken. Type "yes" and confirm with
kbd:[Enter] when ready.
{tf} will now provision all the cluster infrastructure.

.Public IPs for Nodes
`skuba` cannot currently access nodes through a bastion host, so all
`skuba` currently cannot access nodes through a bastion host, so all
the nodes in the cluster must be directly reachable from the machine where
`skuba` is being run. We must also consider that `skuba` must use
the external IPs as `--target` when initializing or joining the cluster,
while we must specify the internal DNS names for registering the nodes
in the cluster.
`skuba` is being run.
`skuba` could be run from one of the master nodes or from a pre-existing bastion
host located inside of a joined VPC as described in

.Note down IP/FQDN for nodes
.Note Down IP/FQDN For the Nodes
The IP addresses of the generated machines will be displayed in the terraform
output during the cluster node deployment. You need these IP addresses to
deploy {productname} to the cluster.
If you need to find an IP address later on, you can run `terraform output` within
the directory you performed the deployment from the `~/caasp/deployment/aws` directory or
perform the following steps:
. Log in to the AWS Console and click on menu:Load Balancers[]. Find the one with the
string you entered in the {tf} configuration above, for example `testing-lb`.
. Note down the "DNS name".
. Now click on menu:Instances[].
. Using the menu:Filter[] text box, enter the string you specified for `stack_name`
in the `terraform.tfvars` file.
. Find the `IPv4 Public IP` on each of the nodes of your cluster.
The IP addresses and FQDN of the generated machines will be displayed in the
{tf} output during the cluster node deployment. You need these information
later to deploy {productname}.
These information can be obtained at any time by executing the
`terraform output` command within the directory from which you executed

=== Logging into the Cluster Nodes

Connecting to the cluster nodes can be accomplished only via SSH key-based
authentication thanks to the ssh-public key injection done earlier via
`cloud-init`. You can use the predefined `ec2-user` user to log in.

If the ssh-agent is running in the background, run:

ssh ec2-user@<node-ip-address>

Without the ssh-agent running, run:

ssh ec2-user@<node-ip-address> -i <path-to-your-ssh-private-key>

Once connected, you can execute commands using password-less `sudo`.
51 changes: 49 additions & 2 deletions adoc/deployment-bootstrap.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,8 +151,28 @@ and automatically manage resources like the Load Balancer, Nodes (Instances), Ne
and Storage services.

If you want to enable cloud provider integration with different cloud platforms,
initialize the cluster with the flag `--cloud-provider <CLOUD_PROVIDER>`.
The only currently available option is `openstack`, but more options are planned:
initialize the cluster with the flag `--cloud-provider <CLOUD PROVIDER>`.
The only currently available options are `openstack` and `aws`,
but more options are planned.

By enabling CPI providers your Kubernetes cluster will be able to
provision cloud resources on its own (eg: Load Balancers, Persistent Volumes).
You will have to manually clean these resources before you destroy the cluster
with {tf}.
Not removing resources like Load Balancers created by the CPI will result in
{tf} timing out during `destroy` operations.
Persistent volumes created with the `retain` policy will exist inside of
the external cloud infrastructure even after the cluster is removed.

====== OpenStack CPI

Define the cluster using the following command:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +257,31 @@ When cloud provider integration is enabled, it's very important to bootstrap and
these names will be used by the `Openstack` cloud controller manager to reconcile node metadata.

====== Amazon Web Services (AWS) CPI

Define the cluster using the following command:

skuba cluster init --control-plane <LB IP/FQDN> --cloud-provider aws my-cluster

Running the above command will create a directory `my-cluster/cloud/aws` with a
`` file in it. No further configuration files are needed.

The supported format and content can be found in the
link:[official Kubernetes documentation].

When cloud provider integration is enabled, it's very important to bootstrap and join nodes with the same node names that they have inside `AWS`, as
these names will be used by the `AWS` cloud controller manager to reconcile node metadata.
You can use the "private dns" values provided by the {tf} output.

===== Integrate External LDAP TLS

. Open the `Dex` `ConfigMap` in `my-cluster/addons/dex/dex.yaml`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,6 +510,7 @@ To talk to your cluster, you must be in the `my-cluster` directory when running
To make usage of {kube} tools easier, you can store a copy of the `admin.conf` file as link:{kubedoc}concepts/configuration/organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig/[kubeconfig].

Expand All @@ -473,6 +519,7 @@ cp admin.conf ~/.kube/config

The configuration file contains sensitive information and must be handled in a secure fashion. Copying it to a shared user directory might grant access to unwanted users.

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion adoc/deployment-sysreqs.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ Currently we support:
* SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8
* VMware ESXi {vmware_version}
* Bare Metal x86_64
* Amazon Web Services (technological preview)

== Nodes
=== Nodes

You will need at least two machines:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,6 +207,8 @@ Let's see two different examples:
<1> Here we get a value of 28705usec (28ms) so the storage clearly does not meet the requirements.

=== Networking

The management workstation needs at least the following networking permissions:
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