This revision fully corrects and restores importing Creature-type NPC exports from's database.
It solves issues such as second materials that aren't eyes (see Darth Malgus Lvl. 75's case), characters without a second material at all (see Massassi), and incorrect garment for skin second material assignments.
We've found out the cause of broken "/.dds" texturepath entries: mismatches between a expected shader (Creature, which doesn't use paletteMaps) and the one stated in the .json file (Eye, which does). If finding those malformed entries in the paths.json files, don't manually correct them. We are using their presence to detect those mismatches and handle them.
Also, the skeleton.json information was incorrect for creatures (it included a "new" in their names that didn't exist). The assembling gathers and applies the correct skeletons now, and also creates "corrected" versions of the .json files for reference.
Support for the materialSkinIndex flag has been restored
This flag says which material in an armor/clothing object is meant to be skin instead of garment, if any.
Player Characters-only, though: non-Creature NPCs' paths.json files lack the data, so, for those we are adding to a pre-release of the ZG SWTOR Tools Add-on's Character Assembler a checkbox, pre-set to choose skin as the less inconvenient default. Correcting wrong results is a matter of applying the first Material Slot's garment material to the second Slot, replacing the skin, just a couple of clicks.
(A typical example of the use of this checkbox is the cantina dancer NPCs and companions in underwear)
The import menu options have been clarified (a little, hopefully).
- The .clo import is gone for the time being (as it never fully worked).
- The Character Import has a warning so that it's not confused with the ZG Tools Add-on's Character Assembler tool.