Legacy version, Blender 3.0-compatible, AgeMap (scars) support, better baking behavior.
Legacy version of the SWTOR Granny2 (.gr2) Import/Export Addon for Blender 2.8x and higher.
WARNING: this Addon's importing tools aren't compatible with SWTOR 64 bit assets (Game Update 7.2.1 onwards). Its SWTOR Materials are, though. To access them without the need to install the Addon, this Blender project file holds them as "fake user" (non-accidentally deleteable) material templates, which you can append or link to other Blender projects. Also, the ZG SWTOR Tools Add-on has a Modern-to-Legacy materials conversion tool.
Addon updated to be compatible with Blender 2.82.x to 3.0.x.
Added support for AgeMaps (scars).
This is the last of the classic versions of the addon. Following ones use new smart shader nodes which embed the texture maps inside their node trees. Both versions can be installed in Blender at once, but it is recommended to have only one active until we can verify that there are no conflicts between them. Both are compatible with the results of the Slicers GUI app.
This addon provides Blender with several import/export features for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) 3D assets:
- Imports and exports SWTOR's specific flavor of the .gr2 3D model format, including rigging data (vertex groups, weights) and armatures ("skeletons"). It can import multiple files at once. Creates template SWTOR materials on import.
- Imports and applies .jba animation files. Works often enough to be worthy.
- Imports .clo files for physics-based bones (clothes, hair, Twi'lek lekku, etc.). Experimental.
- Imports .json files describing all the assets and data necessary to auto-assemble and auto-texture a Player Character or a NPC (please check our guides in this Github's WikiPedia).
This addon produces template materials that replicate SWTOR's shading system (those are automatically added to the Blender project upon importing any SWTOR object, be it as such or as part of a whole character import). They allow for using the game's texture files and materials information without requiring any previous manipulation in a third party painting app: the materials' shading networks do all the massaging involved (turning "green" normal maps to "purple", etc.).
The addon is aware of the version of Blender it is running on, and will create the template materials accordingly.
Blender 3.0 has introduced changes that required catering to those in the addon, hence this latest release.
There is no problem opening Blender 2.9x projects in Blender 3.0: everything works OK.
Sadly, SWTOR materials created in Blender 2.8x projects do require a small modification to run in Blender 2.9x and higher. It is very easy to apply manually.
Download the addon through this link: io_scene_gr2_legacy.zip.
Once downloaded, don't unzip it, and install it in your Blender app through the usual means (Edit menu > Preferences > Add-ons > Install).
For directions on its usage, please consult our WikiPedia.
To access the Addon's Materials and Shader Nodegroups without needing to install it, use the Legacy.SWTOR.Shaders.and.Materials.blend project file (for Blender 3.x).