This repo has embedded submodules, i.e. repositories maintained by others that I'm merely re-using. This means cloning and updating is slightly different than normal
- Clone this repo with -
git clone --recurse-submodules <this-repo-url>
- Update it with -
git pull --recurse-submodules
- Init submodules (optional, needed if repo was cloned without them) -
git submodule update --init --recursive
These files are related to configuration or documentation of the repo and are not files you should need to concern yourself with
- submodules/
- .gitignore
- .gitmodules
The remaining files/folders should be the actual dot files, i.e. files actually used in the configuration of various apps
- ripgrep
- NodeJS
- snapd (Optional) - Can be used to install NeoVim via
snap install nvim --stable --classic
- bat - Modern cat
ln -s <this-repo-path>/.bash_aliases ~/
ln -s <this-repo-path>/.config/ruff ~/.config/
- Install version >= 0.9.0
- Setup config -
ln -s <this-repo-path>/.config/nvim ~/.config/
Config based on which is included as a submodule
- Install Tmux
- Setup config -
ln -s <this-repo-path>/.config/tmux ~/.config/