This repository contains an Example Tool that demonstrates how the node-lti-v1p3 Library can be implemented. There are two parts to this repo:
A. An Example Tool which can be integrated into an LTI1.3 compliant learning Platform
B. An HTML-based illustration of the Authorization flow used in LTI1.3
To use this repo, clone it to your local machine and run:
npm install
DO not perform an npm start until prompted to do so in step A6 If you do, you will need to clear the TESTLTI database in your local mongo DB instance.
You will also need MongoDB and localtunnel installed. Instructions to install MongoDB can be found here:
- MacOS - use homebrew:
- Windows - use the installer from here:
Install localtunnel by running:
npm install -g localtunnel
The Example Tool can be dropped into a Platform so that you can experience the Library's usage in a live environment. This demo uses the Moodle's sandbox to Register the Tool with the Moodle Platform. To do this:
- Login to with credentials:
Username: admin
Password: sandbox
Site Administration
, go to thePlugins
tab and clickExternal Tool->Manage Tools
configure a tool manually
and, at minimum, add:
- Tool's Name
- Tool's Base URL:
- Mark the tool as a 'LTI1.3' Tool
- Initiate Login URL -
- Redirection URIs -
- Enable Assignment and Grade Services under the services tab
- Enable sharing of launcher's name under the privacy tab
- Choose 'Always' Accept grades from the Tool under the privacy tab
- After clicking
Save changes
, click the Menu icon (icon to the left of the gear icon) for the Tool you just added and make note of the Tool Configuration Details
- Copy the Client ID from this information and paste it into the server.js file of your code on line 58. Additionally, replace line 61 with your localtunnel URL + "/project/submit"
Back in the Moodle sandbox, click
and click any of the demo courses. Use the Gear icon onthe top right of the webpage toTurn editing on
. You will then be able toAdd an Activty or Resource
for anExternal Tool
. Simply give it a name and select the Tool you added above from the drop down box forPreconfigured tool
. ClickSave and return to course
. -
In separate terminals, run localtunnel, MongoDB, and your server :
lt --port 3000 --subdomain localtunnelname
npm start
After you have started the server, the command line should log that your platform has been registered. Before continuing, open a new tab in your browser and navigate to your local tunnel url + "/publickey/moodle". This webpage produces a public key that you MUST add to your previously configured tool settings under the public key input. BE SURE TO COPY EVERYTHING INBETWEEN THE QUOTATIONS ON THIS WEBPAGE.
In the upper right corner of the Moodle sandbox, switch your role to Student, and then click on the Tool you just added to the course you chose. The Example Tool will now display.
The Example Tool is a Project Submission Grader. When the Tool is launched, the student will see a form where they can enter a Github URL and a Heroku and/or Now URL. After the student enters the URLs of their project and clicks Submit, the Tool will grade the project.
In order to Submit a project, URLs should be formatted similar to:
OR or
If the URLs are not properly formatted and/or the GitHub URL doesn't launch successfully, the student will see an error message. With a valid project, when the student clicks Submit, s/he will be shown the resulting grade and the Tool uses the Library to pass the grade back to the Platform.
Finally, when the student clicks Done, the student is returned to the Platform. The Teacher or Administrator on the Platform should be able to see that a grade has been used for test student for the Example Tool.
Congradulations! You have now created your own Ims-Global Lti v1.3 external tool. You now have the knowledge to build all sorts of external tools without needing to learn the specifications or authorization flow. If you would like to learn more about these processes, you can checkout our demo launch flow below.
The Example Tool repo also contains an illustration of the Authorization flow which occurs within the Library when you drop a Tool into a Platform. In order to run the example, start the MongoDB and your server by running in separate terminals:
npm start
Go to http://localhost:3000/
in your browser. The example walks through what occurs behind-the-scenes during an LTI1.3 Tool launch. It is important to understand that the Platform users (students, teachers) do not see any of this flow, this all occurs behind the scenes. Also, the Tool on this page is a mockup and not fully functional, see the next section for how you can implement the functional Example Tool in a running Platform.
- Clicking the 'Initiate Tool from LMS' button will generate a properly formatted OIDC Login Request that a Platform would create:
{ iss: '', target_link_uri: '', login_hint: '9', lti_message_hint: '377' }
- The Library validates the request and constructs a properly formatted OIDC Login Response. This response is sent to the Platform's OIDC Authorization endpoint that was received during Registration.
{ 'scope': 'openid', 'response_type': 'id_token', 'client_id': 'SDF7ASDLSFDS9', 'redirect_uri': '', 'login_hint': '9', 'state': 'vSSRdELr5noUNazBuYmlpYywYBeDlF', 'response_mode': 'form_post', 'nonce': 'oNa1yWsS8erQA2iYqYzEi4pbP', 'prompt': 'none', 'lti_message_hint': '377' }
- The Platform will validate the login response and initiate the Tool launch by sending a JWT, which the Library decodes to an object like:
{ nonce: 'oNa1yWsS8erQA2iYqYzEi4pbP', iat: 1564506231, exp: 1564506291, iss: '', aud: 'uuYLGWBmhhuZvBf', '': '2', '': '', sub: '9', '': [ '' ], '': { id: '47', label: 'AGILE200', title: 'Internship', type: [ 'CourseSection' ] }, '': { title: 'Test LTI for Team Pied Piper', id: '4' }, given_name: 'John', family_name: 'Smith', name: 'John Smith', '': { user_username: '', lms: 'moodle-2' }, email: '', '': { locale: 'en', document_target: 'window', return_url: '' }, '': { family_code: 'moodle', version: '2019052000.01', guid: '', name: 'Moodle Demo', description: 'Moodle Demo Sandbox' }, '': '1.3.0', '': 'LtiResourceLinkRequest', '': { scope: [ '', '', '' ], lineitems: '', lineitem: '' }, '': { context_memberships_url: '', service_versions: [ '1.0', '2.0' ] } }
- If a valid request was sent, it will redirect the student to the Tool. Note: The Tool is not operational in this demo.
Clicking the 'Get Token' button will display a JSON Web Token that the Library is able to create:
{ sub: < your Tool's Client ID >, expires_in: 3600, // 1 hour per LTI1.3 spec token_type: 'bearer', scope: < valid scope being requested > }If successful, the example will display the token authorizing the Tool to have access to the Platform's API. This token is secured as a JWT, so the Platform will be able to verify the JWT on their side with the public key.
If you want to view the JSON object that is being passed through the JWT, copy the token and paste it into the 'JWT String box' on This will enable you to view the JSON object on the Payload.
- Argenis De Los Santos
- Gian Delprado
- Godfrey Martinez
- Michael Roberts
- Sherry Freitas
LTI LMS Tool LTIv1.3 Node/Express Javascript