This is a simple game where when the user clicks on an image card, all the images will shuffle to a new postion. The goal is not to click on the same image twice to win the game.
This project was built using React as the front-end generator. In order to generate a new react app the following command line was entered in the node terminal:
create-react-app clickygame
Once the app was created then the work could begin. Since this is only a front end application very little dependencies were used.
The only dependency used was to allow this app the be deployed as a static website on github pages.
npm install gh-pages --save-dev
Once this dependency is installed we need to change to package.json to allow the deployment to happen.
First we add a homepage to the package.json where we put the github page link to our app. and then we add these two lines to the scripts:
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
Once that is done, this line is ran in the command line:
npm run deploy
If everything goes well the app is deployed in github in a new branch called gh-pages.
- JavaScript
- ES6
- React
- Node.JS
- GitHub
- Sara Neves Pereira