package main
import (
func main() {
server := echo.New() // your echo instance
assetsDir := "./assets" // directory containing your static assets
devmode := true // devmode will mostly log what's happening
// MemFileInstance: read files and apply the middleware
mfi := memfile.New(server, assetsDir, devmode)
// Keep your files updated when you're developing
if devmode {
mfi.UpdateOnInterval(time.Second * 1)
http://localhost:1323/ -> ./assets/index.html
http://localhost:1323/blog -> ./assets/blog/index.html
mfi = MemFileInstance
mfi := memfile.New(server *echo.Echo, assetsDir string, devmode bool)
// if you want to keep your files updated you can
// 1 - Update them manually as needed
// this reads the directory and updates files and etags as needed
// 2 - Update them regularly on an interval
// this runs memfile.Update every 5 seconds
mfi.UpdateOnInterval(time.Second * 5)
// to stop the interval updater
ticker := mfi.UpdateOnInterval(time.Second * 5)
if NeedsToStop {
location := "../secret_files/pwd.txt"
route := "/secrets/pwd"
err := mfi.CacheFile(location, route)
if err != nil {
// ...
// GET http://localhost:1323/secrets/pwd -> pwd.txt
server.GET("/resource/", func(c echo.Context) error {
if result, ok := mfi.Cached.Load("/resource.json"); ok {
return mfi.ServeMF(c, result.(*memfile.MemFile))
return c.JSON(404, map[string]string{
"err": "out of luck no resource here",
// or
server.GET("/resource/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return mfi.ServeFile(c, "/resource.json")
// or shorthand
mfi.ServeMemFile("/resource", "/resource.json")
// NOTE: the resource's string corresponds to files under the assets dir
// "./assets/resource.json" -> "/resource.json"
> index.html
> styles.css
> picture.jpg
> index.html.push
is essentially just a json array containing serve routes to push with your html file
["/styles.css", "/picture.jpg"]
Use this method for best results because manually modifying MemFiles can lead to corruption (in memory, your files are safe) SetPushAssets uses a mutex lock and unlock internally to avoid concurrent read-write related issues.
mfi.SetPushAssets("/route.html", []string{"/route.css", "/route.js"})
result, exists := mfi.Cached.Load("/subdir/index.html")
if exists {
result.(*memfile.MemFile).PushAssets = []string{"/js/rilti.min.js", "/css/bulma.min.css"}
// note if you're doing it this way do it before the server starts
// because of potential MemFile corruption from concurrent read-write issues
// MFI.SetPushAssets uses mutex locks internally to avoid this
.New(server *echo.Echo, dir string, devmode bool) MemFileInstance
.CompressBytes(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
gzip a byte slice.ServeMemFile(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, memFile MemFile, CacheControl string) error
.ServablePath(dir string, loc string) string
cleans a filepath (under dir) for use as a url.RandBytes(size int) []byte
.RandStr(size int) string
.CacheFile(location string, servePath string) error
read a file and serve it at a particular route.Update()
check files for changes and update accordingly.UpdateOnInterval(interval time.Duration) *time.Ticker
Keep updating regularly on a duration.ServeFile(c echo.Context, filename string) error
.ServeMF(c echo.Context, memFile *MemFile) error
.ServeMemFile(route string, filename string)
shorthand handler.Serve(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, filename string) error
for other middleware etc..CacheControl
the Cache-Control header is"private, must-revalidate"
by default, but you can change it.DevMode
, this contains all the MemFile's in an Instance [assumed types (key string, value MemFile)]