A Julia package for interacting with the SQLite3 Library. Sekelia tries (and probably fails) to provide a powerful interface without performing too much "magic" behind the scenes.
First ensure that your system has a version of both julia and SQLite or download them yourself. Next open up an interactive prompt of julia and type
and you will be raring to go.
If your SQLite library is not in your system's path then place the following
line in your ~/.bash_profile
export SEKELIA_SQLITE=/path/to/sqlite/library/directory
where /path/to/sqlite/library/directory
is the absolute path of the directory
containing your SQLite library.
The main object in sekelia is the SQLiteDB, it is defined as follows
type SQLiteDB <: Database
is the String which is passed to the sqlite3_open
C library function.
is the sqlite3*
which is returned by the same function. Custom
database objects can be defined but they must be a subtype of Database
contain both fields which SQLiteDB
Sekelia also exports 7 functions and 2 constants into the global scope, these are explained below.
Open or create a database at the location specified by the string file
. The
object that is returned must be referenced for as long as it is open
to avoid Julia garbage collecting the handle, causing memory leaks. If file
is the global constant MEMDB
then an in-memory database will be opened. If
is the global constant DISKDB
then a temporary on-disk database will
be opened.
Close the database referenced by the Database db
execute(db::Database, stmt::String, values=(); header=false, types=false)
Execute the SQL statement stmt
. If stmt
contains multiple SQL statements
will throw an error, this helps protect against SQL Injection and
vastly simplifies the implementation.
If the statement returns any results (e.g. a SELECT statement) execute
return an iterator which can be used in a for-loop
or turned into an array
using collect
. Each row is represented by a tuple of values. If you wish to
iterate manually using consume
you must call it once more than the number of
rows to ensure memory is properly freed.
If header
is true the first row produced will contain the titles of each column
in the result set. If types
is true the first or second (depending on whether
is true) row will be the Julia types of each column. The types are
inferred from the first row so in certain circumstances may not accurately
represent the types returned by later rows.
You can use values contained in Julia variables in your SQL statements using
SQLite's parameter substitution.
If the statement uses nameless parameters (? or ?NNN) then values
must be a
tuple where the first element will be put in place of ?1 etc. For example
execute(db, "INSERT INTO table VALUES (?2, ?3, ?1)", ("a", "b", "c"))
is identical to
execute(db, "INSERT INTO table VALUES ('b', 'c', 'a')")
If no numbers are appended to the question marks then the first element will be put in place of the first question mark, etc.
If the statement uses named parameters (:VVV, @VVV or $VVV (this final form is
not recommended since you would have to remember to escape the $ each time))
then values
must be a dictionary which maps a string or symbol to the value.
Some examples are
# using Dict(S <: String, V} where V is any type (but not necessarily of type Any)
"""INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (:a, @b, \$c, :d)""",
["a" => "Fourth row.", "b" => 4, "c" => 4.4, "d" => Uint8[4, 4, 4]]
# using Dict{Symbol, V}
"""INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (:a, :b, :c, :d)""",
[:a => "Fifth row.", :b => 5, :c => 5.5, :d => Uint8[5, 5, 5]]
Dictionary keys can be a mix of Strings and Symbols but this method is slow so should be avoided where possible.
execute(db::Database, stmt::String, values::Vector{(Any...,)})
execute{S, T}(db::Database, stmt::String, values::Vector{Dict{S, T}})
When values
is a Vector (1-D Array) of the tuples or dictionaries described
above the statement is executed once for each tuple or dictionary in the Vector.
The body of the function is quite simply
for tup in values
execute(db, stmt, tup)
bind(stmt, i, ::Nothing) # => NULL
bind(stmt, i, val::Int32) # => INTEGER
bind(stmt, i, val::Int64) # => INTEGER
bind(stmt, i, val::Float64) # => REAL
bind(stmt, i, val::String) # => TEXT
bind(stmt, i, val::Ptr{Void}, n) # => BLOB
When parameter substitution is used one of the above bind methods is called to
coerce the values into a SQLite3 Datatype. You can define your own bind method
to store arbitrary datatypes in the way you want, the only stipulation being
that the last step in that method is to call one of the above methods. As an
example look at the definition for bind(stmt, i, val::Integer)
function bind(stmt, i, val::Integer)
if WORD_SIZE == 64
bind(stmt, i, int64(val))
bind(stmt, i, int32(val))
This simply stores integers as the native system Int. Note that this is lossy for Int128 (among others) so you might want to store this as TEXT by defining the following method
bind(stmt, i, val::Int128) = bind(stmt, i, string(val))
Another important factor to consider is that, since SQLite copies the memory non-recursively, you can not store pointers to pointers in BLOBS (or any other datatype). This means, among other things, that any multi-dimensional arrays that you store must be flattened like in the following definition
function bind{T}(stmt, i, val::Array{T})
flat = reshape(val, length(val))
nbytes = sizeof(flat)
bind(stmt, i, convert(Ptr{Void}, flat), nbytes)
To see which methods have been defined, please see src/utils/bind.jl in the source code.
transaction(db, mode="DEFERRED")
If mode is one of "", "DEFERRED", "IMMEDIATE" or "EXCLUSIVE" a transaction of
that type will be started.
Otherwise a savepoint will be
created whose name is mode
converted to a String via interpolation.
There is an alternative definition of transaction
which takes a function as
it's first argument.
transaction(f::Function, db)
Designed to be used with the do-block syntax this function will begin a
transaction then perform the function f
. If f
throws an error the
transaction will be rolled back otherwise the transaction will be committed. An
example would be
execute(db, "CREATE TABLE tab (str TEXT);")
execute(db, "INSERT INTO tab VALUES ('Only row.')")
transaction(db) do
execute(db, "INSERT INTO tab VALUES ('Will not be inserted.')")
# multiple statements raises an error
execute(db, "INSERT INTO tab VALUES (NULL); DROP TABLE tab")
for row in execute(db, "SELECT * FROM tab")
# ("Only row.",)
This is implemented using savepoints so you can safely nest it if you wish.
commit(db, name)
In the first form commits the curent transaction, in the second form releases
the savepoint name
rollback(db, name)
Either rolls back the current transaction or rolls back the transaction to the
savepoint name