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Roman scrolls


Alexandria is a reader and writer for curated publications, including e-books. For a thorough introduction, please refer to our project documention, viewable on Alexandria, or to the Alexandria About page.

Issues and Patches

If you would like to suggest a feature or report a bug, or submit a patch for review, please use the Nostr git interface on our homepage.

You can also contact us on Nostr, directly.


Make sure that you have Node.js (v22 or above) or Deno (v2) installed.

Once you've cloned this repo, install dependencies with NPM:

npm install

or with Deno:

deno install

then start a development server with Node:

npm run dev

or with Deno:

deno task dev


Alexandria is configured to run on a Node server. The Node adapter works on Deno as well.

To build a production version of your app with Node, use:

npm run build

or with Deno:

deno task build

You can preview the (non-static) production build with:

npm run preview

or with Deno:

deno task preview


This docker container performs the build.

To build the container:

docker build . -t gc-alexandria

To run the container, in detached mode (-d):

docker run -d --rm --name=gc-alexandria -p 4174:80 gc-alexandria

The container is then viewable on your local machine.

If you want to see the container process (assuming it's the last process to start), enter:

docker ps -l

which should return something like:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE           COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                     NAMES
1d83d736322f   gc-alexandria   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>80/tcp, [::]:4174->80/tcp   gc-alexandria

Docker + Deno

This application is configured to use the Deno runtime. A Docker container is provided to handle builds and deployments.

To build the app for local development:

docker build -t local-alexandria -f Dockerfile.local .

To run the local development build:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 local-alexandria


These tests are under development, but will run. They will later be added to the container.

To run the Vitest suite we've built, install the program locally and run the tests.

npm run test

For the Playwright end-to-end (e2e) tests:

npx playwright test