It allows use your mastodon account via XMPP client (for example Conversations).
Currently for test you can add to your roster contact (yes, without @, it's a service, not a regular contact)
After you asked authorization from, you'll see an auth request from Also it will send you a short description how to configure the gate.
All work woth the gate is separated to 4 different roster contacts.
It's used to configure and bind a mastodon account
server - bind mastodon account. After that you should paste an mastodon authorization token
enable or e - enable message delivery
disable or d - disable message delivery
info - info about bound mastodon account -
For new posts. All text you send here will be posted in mastodon
Home feed. All mastodon massages from your subscriptions will be here
. - open last message in a separate chat
.1 - open a first before last message in a separate chat
.2 - open secondary before last message in a separate chat
etc. up to 99-th messager - reblog last message
r1 - reblog a first before last message
r2 - open secondary before last message
etc. up to 99-th messagew - get www link to last message
Also, instead of pointing desired message by index, you can use a quotation. To reblog desired message you can use the following (standard qutation option in Conversations):
> @test@mastodon.tld: > original message r
to reblog message from @test@mastodon.tld with text 'original message'
It's impossible to answer to message in this chat. To answer the message you should open a thread in a separate chat with . (dot) command
Contacts that looks like [long number]
It's a threads. All you write here will be posted to the thread as an answer to last message. No need to add mentions, the gate will do it by itself
. - get full thread
w - get www link to the thread