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SilverpointDev edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

How to use anchored items

The item should be placed on a TSpTBXToolbar with Stretch set to True, and ShrinkMode setted to tbsmNone.
Just set the item's Anchored property to true, you can use the CustomWidth and CustomHeight properties to set the initial size value.

How to right align an item

The item should be placed on a TSpTBXToolbar with Stretch set to True, and ShrinkMode setted to tbsmNone.
Just add a TSpTBXRightAlignSpacerItem above the item.

How to anchor a control inside a toolbar

The control should be placed on a TSpTBXToolbar with Stretch set to True, and ShrinkMode setted to tbsmNone.
Drop a control on the toolbar and set the control's Align property to alClient or set the Anchors property to include akRight.

How to custom paint a control or toolbar item

You can custom paint toolbar items and controls using the following events:

  • OnDrawItem/OnDrawBackground: to custom paint the item background
  • OnDrawCaption: to custom paint the item caption
  • OnDrawImage: to custom paint the item image icon
  • OnDrawHint: to custom paint the item hint

All these events have 2 important parameters: PaintStage and PaintDefault.
PaintStage indicates the current stage in the drawing process.
DefaultDraw indicates whether the control should continue with the default painting after the event handler exits.
Set DefaultDraw to false to prevent the drawing of the control after the event handler exits. If DefaultDraw remains set to true, the control continues with the default painting process.


procedure TForm1.SpTBXItem1DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
  ARect: TRect; ItemInfo: TSpTBXMenuItemInfo;
  const PaintStage: TSpTBXPaintStage; var PaintDefault: Boolean);
  if PaintStage = pstPrePaint then begin
    // Override the default painting, we are going to take care
    // of all the painting here
    PaintDefault := False;
    // Paint the item in red
    ACanvas.Brush.Color := clRed;

How to right align MDI buttons

Set the toolbar's FullSize to true and ShrinkMode to tbsmWrap

How to get rid of the button's focus rectangle

To disable the focus rectangle painting on button controls (TSpTBXButton, TSpTBXCheckBox, TSpTBXRadioButton) use the OnDrawCaption event, the focus rectangle is painted after the caption painting is done:

procedure TForm1.SpTBXButton1DrawCaption(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
  ClientAreaRect: TRect; State: TSpTBXSkinStatesType; var ACaption: string;
  var CaptionRect: TRect; var CaptionFormat: Cardinal; IsTextRotated: Boolean;
  const PaintStage: TSpTBXPaintStage; var PaintDefault: Boolean);
  if PaintStage = pstPostPaint then
    PaintDefault := False;

How to focus an edit/combobox/spinedit toolbar item

Use the SpFocusEditItem utility function located in the SpTBXEditors.pas unit. The first parameter is the editor item, the second parameter is the View where the item is located, normally a toolbar view:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  SpFocusEditItem(SpTBXComboBoxItem1, SpTBXToolbar1.View);

How to add scrollers to the TSpTBXTabControl/TSpTBXTabSet

This is not done automatically by the control, you have to create the buttons yourself, take a look at the Overview demo.
I choose to leave it to the component user because there are many ways to handle this: scrollers, buttons, popups, chevron, different positions, etc.
You can also use the TabAutofit property to resize the tabs without the need to use scrollers, like Firefox.

How to use Padding and Margins

In Delphi, margins are used to specify the space around the control, and padding the offseting inside the control.

How to trap mouse events on the item area of compound components?

The compound components such as the TSpTBXDockablePanel or the TSpTBXTabControl/TSpTBXTabSet have a Toolbar public property, access this property and use the mouse events of the internal toolbar:

procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
  SpTBXDockablePanel1.Toolbar.OnMouseDown := MyMouseDownEvent;
procedure TForm1.MyMouseDownEvent(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  IV: TTBItemViewer;
  IV := SpTBXDockablePanel1.View.ViewerFromPoint(Point(X, Y));
  if Assigned(IV) then
    Caption := IV.Item.Name;