- Usage
- Branching
- Resource naming and parameter metadata description properties
- Property name formatting
- GitHub Releases and Versioning
In the root of the applications repository, create a new directory named
Within the directory Create a new template named
Set the root 'Raw' path of the Azure Resource templates as a top-level variable as follows:
"variables": { "deploymentUrlBase": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SkillsFundingAgency/das-platform-building-blocks/master/templates/" }
Select the Azure Resource template you wish to use, (eg. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SkillsFundingAgency/das-platform-building-blocks/master/templates/app-service-v2.json) by setting the concatenation of the deploymentUrlBase variable and the file name as the uri of the templateLink property as follows:
{ "apiVersion": "2017-05-10", "name": "app-service", "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments", "properties": { "mode": "Incremental", //or Complete "templateLink": { "uri": "[concat(variables('deploymentUrlBase'),'app-service-v2.json')]", "contentVersion": "" }, "parameters": { "parameter1": { "value": "<Your value>" }, "parameter2": { "value": "<Your value>" } } }, "dependsOn":[ "<Any dependencies>" ] }
Always do your work in a new branch.
Do not ever commit straight to master.
Submit a pull request to the team when you are ready for review.
After the pull request is approved and the branch merged to master, delete the branch you made.
Reduce the number of top-level parameters needed by setting the Azure resource names with variables:
Set the top-level
parameters as follows, adding a metadata description property to all top-level parameters:"parameters": { "resourceEnvironmentName": { "type": "string", "metadata": { "description": "Short name of the environment. Used for the name of resources created." } }, "serviceName": { "type": "string", "metadata": { "description": "Short name of the service. Used for the name of resources created." } }, ... }
Set the top-level variable of the
and Azure resource names as follows:"variables": { ... "resourceNamePrefix": "[toLower(concat('das-', parameters('resourceEnvironmentName'),'-', parameters('serviceName')))]", "storageAccountName": "[toLower(concat('das', parameters('resourceEnvironmentName'), parameters('serviceName'), 'str'))]", "appServiceName": "[concat(variables('resourceNamePrefix'), '-as')]", ... }
Within the properties section of the resource deployment section, use the resource name variable for the name parameter of the resource as follows:
"parameters": { "appServiceName": { "value": "[variables('appServiceName')]" }, ... }
Set the the top-level output of the generated variable that will be used in the release pipeline as follows:
"outputs": { "AppServiceName": { "type": "string", "value": "[variables('appServiceName')]" }, ... }
The convention of property name formatting, as used in the examples above:
- Parameters: camelCase (matching the release pipeline override template parameters)
- Variables: camelCase
- Resource Deployments: lowercase-with-hyphens
- Outputs: PascalCase (matching the release pipeline variables)
This section provides an overview of the following:
Section Header | Description |
GitHub Releases | This section provides an overview of the das-platform-building-blocks repository release, how to approve a release to GitHub and how to use the Azure DevOps GitHub Release Task within a release pipeline. |
Release Versioning | This section provides an overview of how to ensure a consistent release versioning policy is used, and GitHub releases are appropriately incremented. |
The das-platform-building-blocks repository is published as a release on github.com. Releases provide a list of changes made to a specific release as well as links to the assets available. Using GitHub releases enables the use of the Azure DevOps GitHub Release Task so that the templates in das-platform-building-blocks can be consumed within Azure Pipeline deployments.
To ensure a consistent release versioning policy the following can be used as a reference:
Increment Type | When to use | How to use |
Major | Breaking changes to scripts | Add +semver: major to pull request title. |
Minor | Addition of new scripts | Add +semver: minor to pull request title. |
Patch | Non-breaking changes to existing scripts | Automatically incremented for every merge if a major or minor is not defined. |
GitVersion is used to achieve release versioning. Read more about Version Incrementing.
The SQL DACPAC task (SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1) can be run from building blocks template sql-dacpac-deploy.yml. You can call this template as follows:
- template: azure-pipelines-templates/deploy/job/sql-dacpac-deploy.yml@das-platform-building-blocks
AzureSubscription: ${{ parameters.ServiceConnection }}
ServerName: $(SharedSQLServerFQDN)
DatabaseName: $(DatabaseName)
SqlUsername: $(SharedSQLServerUsername)
SqlPassword: $(SharedSQLServerPassword)
DacpacFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/path/to/dacpac
AdditionalArguments: ${{ parameters.RunBlockOnPossibleDataLoss }}
Environment: ${{ parameters.Environment }}
pool: DAS - Continuous Deployment Agents
dependsOn: DeployWebApp
When the parameter RunBlockOnPossibleDataLoss
is set to be true from the pipeline calling the template, /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=false additional command will be run on the SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 task. RunBlockOnPossibleDataLoss
parameter should be set to false by default at the pipeline level so that continous deployment will not run this additional argument.
- name: RunBlockOnPossibleDataLoss
type: boolean
default: false
An additional manual validation task ManualValidation@0 is included with sql-dacpac-deploy.yml template that prompts for a manual approval on PROD
stage to prevent accidental data loss on DACPAC deployment.