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gitignore Include

Providing the missing link between your .gitignore file and any collection of gitignore samples - including the famous GitHub gitignore project!


Basic format for GitHub's gitignore project:

## <include href="">
# Anything in here will be replaced and updated when you want it to be.
## </include>

# Anything not between the tags is ignored.

A module that default exports a string:

## <include module="modulename">
## </include>

A local file:

## <include file="./other.example">
## </include>

Please note that recursive definitions are supported: aka a file including another file that includes something else. This means you can nest ignore files as many layers deep as you wish!


Install as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev @slidewave/gitignore-include

Set up your trigger(s). There are several ways to go about this, including programmatic access. See the Triggers section for more details.

Add include directives to your .gitignore file. These follow the following, admittedly rigid, format:

## <include href="">
## </include>

See the Examples section for more details.


Without a trigger the include directives are not processed. You can accomplish this several ways, a few of which are outlined below.

Trigger with lint-staged

There are multiple ways to configure lint-staged, but one of the most common is via the package.json configuration. Thus adding the following to your package.json will make sure that every time lint-staged is called, and if you've modified the ignore files, that they are re-smudged correctly:

  "lint-staged": {
    ".*ignore": "giismudge"

Trigger on NPM prepare

Prepare works like NPM's postinstall, but only runs on the original project, not when being depended upon by another project.

Edit your package.json to include the following, assuming you want to run it on all the files that look like gitignore files:

  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "npx -q giismudge .*ignore"

However since this only happens when you install the packages, it's not recommended.

Running manually

To update/fix your local files you can run the smudging utility manually via

npx giismudge .*ignore

assuming you have either installed locally as recommended above, or globally.

You can remove all auto-inserted ignore values from your files via

npx giiclean .*ignore

If you want to run without installing you can do so by using the project parameter of npx:

npx -p @slidewave/gitignore-include giismudge .*ignore