Releases: SmartThingsCommunity/st-device-sdk-c
Releases · SmartThingsCommunity/st-device-sdk-c
New Improvements or features:
- Supporting ED25519 BLE Onboarding feature
Enhancements or amendments:
- Change main task working logic from polling to event-based.
- Remove Capability command arguments count limit.
- Delete unmaintained porting layers and examples.
-- Deleted examples
-- posix
-- raspberry
-- Deleted porting layer
-- MX Chips (emw3080, emw3166)
-- Realtek (RTL8195, RTL8720c, RTL8721c)
-- linux
-- tizenrt
-- openssl - Documents update for STDK 2.0
- Remove unnessary duplicate conversions between string and integer in time type
Bug fixed:
- Upadte unit test based on latest SDK.
- Fix wrong task queue manipulation logic in mqtt client
New Improvements or features
- Add new iot_bsp_wifi porting API to get auth mode
- add caps helper for pH Measurement
- Add support of network error code for user help contents
- Add esp32 example
- Add raspberry pi example
- Apply backoff algorithm when MQTT reconnecting
- Support Device Preference feature.
Enhancements or amendments
- Replace internal queue implement with internal data struct(Remove porting API)
- Refactoring iot-main core logic
-- st_conn_start do not block until onboarding done. - Update fanOscilationMode cap helper
- Support esp-idf v5.0
New Improvements or features
- Add changing device name feature
-- New API : st_change_device_name() added - Add 'esp32c3' bsp and modify related file
- Add capability helper for 'mode' capability
Enhancements or amendments
- Add the history feed displaying control options of the struct iot_cap_attr_option_t
-- To control whether the event should be displayed in the history feed of the mobile App
Bug fixed
- Fix Static Code Analysis report
-- iot_api:iot_main: Uses 'type casting' to fit in printf format sepcifier - Fix multiple definition of main error for deps/json : prevent cJSON/test.c building
Enhancements or amendments
- Add more detailed control of sntp service.
- Send OS version to cloud.
Bug fixed
- Fixed error when calling at
- Fix build errors.
- Fix easysetup failure issue when iot-core try to open not existing file.
- Fix memleak at easysetup cgi handler.
Supported Porting Layer
- ESP32, ESP32S2
- ESP8266
- RTL8915
- RTL8720C, RTL8721C
- TizenRT - TizenRT has platform own hardware/bsp abstraction layer
- FreeRTOS
- Mocos
- TizenRT