VitaShell customisation & customisation tools repository.
Upload translations in /translations
. Upload themes in /theme/(Theme-Name^Uploader)/
, containing all your theme files.
For themes, it is also appreciated to provide a preview as well (include /theme/(Theme-Name^Uploader)/preview.jpg
and a README.MD with a short description and displaying the preview.png. Example with CrysisShell. Sample
# (theme) by (author) (rev)
[//]: # "rev stands for revision, or version of your theme."
## Download link:
* [**filename.tar.xz**](
[//]: # "Providing a download link is not a requirement, as users can"
[//]: # "simply clone the repository."
## Preview:

[//]: # "If you wish to include multiple previews, please number them"
[//]: # "accordingly: preview1.jpg, preview2.jpg, etc."
To download the entirety or part of this repository:
- download the repo as ZIP: click on 'Clone or download' and click 'Download ZIP.' This is the easier option for newbie users, but is a one-time download not kept up to date.
- clone the repository and have it kept up to date. To "update", simply
to the repository folder andgit pull
For translations, put the desired translation(s) in ux0:VitaShell/language/
. For themes, put the desired theme (the folder itself) in ux0:VitaShell/theme/
. You can have multiple themes at once; just put all the themes you wish to use in and swap with VitaShell.