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Check the pre-requisites for installation and then install sdm using npm:

npm i @space48/sdm

Pre-requisites for installation

Configure @space48 npm scope

sdm is distributed as a private npm package in the @space48 scope. To install sdm and other private Space 48 npm packages, you must first configure the @space48 scope in npm.

  1. Create a github access token with read packages and repo privileges

  2. Configure npm so that you can install sdm and other private Space 48 packages using your email and token created in Step 1 as yur username & password

    npm login --registry= --scope=@space48

Enable node 14

sdm uses node 14. Use nvm to enable node 14:

nvm use 14

Local Setup

SDM currently has four connectors, these are: Magento 1, Magento 2, Shopify and Big Commerce. To add a new connection to shop on any of these platforms to run locally run

npx sdm config

This will start the sdm-config interaction mode, which supports tab-completion. From here you can run help to get a full list of commands.

Using sdm-config

  1. List currently saved scopes

  2. Setup a conection to a new store E.g A new Big Commerce store

    connectors[bigCommerce].scopes.add {"storeAlias":"demo-store","storeHash":"123abc456def","credentials":{"clientId":"longAlphaNumericString123","accessToken":"anotherLongAlphaNumericString456"}}

    Running the previous command without arguments will return a list of what is missing

  3. Get the credentials of a previously saved connection



SDM can be used in one of multiple ways, although they all follow the same format of entity.sub-entity.crud-command

Interactive mode (for use in terminals)

Note: supports tab-completion

Run npx sdm to display a list of currently saved scopes. To setup a new scope follow the local setup

Enter a scope such as big-commerce[demo-store]

From here all SDM endpoints in relation to the connector can be used with their response values being displayed on the terminal such as:


For commands that require an ID these are passed in using square brackets


Command inputs are done using a single object

brands.create {name: "Demo Brand", page_title: "Test Title"}

May also use the help to get a full list commands


Once a local connection to a store has been created

Connect to a store create an instance of SDM at the top of the makefile

sdm = npx sdm
big-commerce= $(sdm) big-commerce[demo-store]

SDM can then be used as such:


To input data, whether as part of the path (such as an id), or as the body of the request these need to be "piped" into the SDM instance

echo "{id: 1, body: "Updated blog text", "url":"/your-first-blog-post/"}" \
| jq -c '{ path: ["blog", ["posts", .id]], endpoint: "update", input: del(.id) }' \
| $(big-commerce)

In a similar fashion input params can be passed into the input property

echo "[1,2,3,4,5]" \
| jq -c '.[] | {path: ["customers", "addresses"], endpoint: "delete", input: {"id:in": .}}' \
| $(big-commerce)

In TS mode

The following example shows how a SDM connection can be created and used directly in a TS script

import {ConnectorScope, shopify} from "@space48/sdm";
import {writeJsonLinesTo, pipe} from "@space48/json-pipe";

type ShopApiCredentials = {
    apiKey: string
    password: string

async function getConnectorScope(credentials: ShopApiCredentials) {
    return shopify({
        shopName: "shopify-demo-story",
        apiKey: credentials.apiKey,
        password: credentials.password        

export async function listProducts() {
    const shop: ConnectorScope = await getConnectorScope(apiCredentials);

        shopify.product.list({fields: 'id,tags,variants', limit: 250}),
        command => shop.execute(command),


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