A basic flutter demo using:
- An experimental custom system with flutter running on nerves (https://github.com/Spin42/nerves_system_flutter_rpi4)
- A basic flutterpi launcher to start the app at boot (https://github.com/Spin42/nerves_flutterpi)
This is an implementation of the first Codelab you can find on the Flutter documentation, with the twist that all state is fetched from a backend app written in Phoenix.
- Link to the doc: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/codelab
The standard fonts are not included in the nerves system image, meaning that you always have to package your fonts in your flutter app and not rely on the presence of any default fonts on the system. Failure to do so will mean no text will be shown in your flutter app.
- Flutter (https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install)
- Flutterpi tool (https://pub.dev/packages/flutterpi_tool)
To setup the firmware locally:
cd firmware
export MIX_TARGET=nerves_system_flutter_rpi4
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
To launch the backend locally:
cd backend
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create database and run migrations with
mix ecto.create
&mix ecto.migrate
- Launch phoenix with
mix phx.server
To run the flutter app locally:
cd frontend
- Launch app on host with
flutter run
To build:
- Simply execute
To burn on sd card:
- Go to firmware folder after building with
cd firmware
- Run
mix burn
- Alternatively, run
mix upload
if you already have a nerves device plugged-in
This is very early stage. This is just to provide an example on how to get started with Flutter on Nerves with a Raspberry pi4.