progressive pnj-BKZ
Please use gcc-8.5 to compile the files, and firstly run
.. code-block:: bash
git clone
PYTHON=python3 ./ #threads for compiling ./ --noyr -j 30 #threads for compiling
Before implement our code, please follow the compile guidance in the topic G6K - GPU Tensor We add some files in G6K - GPU Tensor
( to run a two-step mode for solving u-SVP problem in G6K-GPU with a blocksize selection method. One can generate the reduction strategy and solve the LWE instance through the reduction strategy by running the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
source ./activate
python 40 --lwe/alpha 0.025 --threads 32 --gpus 2 --verbose True --pump/down_sieve True --float_type "dd" --strategy_method "enumbs" --load_lwe "lwe_challenge" --max_RAM 43
It means that use blocksize strategy generation algorithm EnumBS(three choices: enumbs, bssav1, bssav2), 32 threads and 2 gpus to solve LWE challenge with (n,alpha) = (40,0.025)
in float_type "dd" with maximal memory 43 log2(bit). Since the gaps of --load_lwe
as lwe_instance
Besides, we give the guidance of our experiments in the article
**Experiment Environment. ** Intel Xeon 5128 16c 32@2.3GHz, 1.48T RAM and NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3090 * 2, Ubuntu 20.04, gcc8, cuda 11.4, NVIDIA-SMI 470.199.02.
By the way, for the practical test, the blocksize and jump strategy is only optimized in our machine with Intel Xeon 5128 16c 32@2.3GHz, 1.48T RAM and NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3090 * 2. If you want to generate your optimized blocksize and jump strategy (but also has a speedup effect) in your machine, you should test the practical cost model for your machine and modify the data in the function refined_practical_pump_cost_dd
and refined_PnJBKZ_cost_model_dd
in cost.cpp
file. For convenience, one can also generate the strategy using a theoretical cost model, just set the cost_model = 1
Now we explain how to generate the experimental data we provided in the supplement materials. One should download the open source code, first compile it following the guidance, then run the corresponding codes in the main directory.
We run the experiment in
(dd float_type) to solve LWE challenge with strategy in default g6k, bssa, or enumbs and obtain the cost information in Figure 6(a) and Figure 6(b). It stores the test result in the folder lwechal-test
. We also run an experiment in
to test the cost of LWE instances among the above three solvers while with growth of lwe-instance-test
. It is the source data of Figure 6(c) and Figure 6(d). All the above result shows the cost of T(ProPnJBKZ(EnumBS))<T(ProPnJBKZ(BSSA))<T(default G6K).
Beside in each log of test, we also print the cost for each strategy generation and the detailed strategy. We also list some of them in Table 2
All the data is stored in the folder Fig.6 cost-comparison
This is the code description document for all verification experiments of the accuracy of PnJBKZ Simulator in Section 5 "The Design of PnJBKZ Simulator".
One should download the open source code
First, according to the beta, jump, and tours parameters you want to verify, modify the corresponding parameters in the
file in, and run it 20 times or any number of times you want to experiment by the following command like:
python 75 --lwe/alpha 0.005 --bkz/jump 9 --pump/down_sieve True --bkz/blocksizes "[95,95,95,95,95,95,95,95,95,95,95,95]" --gpus 2 --threads 32
It will record the actual rr value obtained by the lattice basis reduction of PnJBKZ-$(\beta,J)$ at different numbers of tours in the folder simulator-test
, and then we can draw a figure like Figure 5.
After obtaining the simulator-test
. Then enter the folder simulator-test
and run
(We've pre-stored the generated rr in simulator-test
, one can implement the command above directly) It will print and output the result of calculating the error between the PnJBKZ simulator simulation value and the actual reduced rr value, which is shown in Fig9. At the same time, the program will draw Fig10 to verify the accuracy of the PnJBKZ simulator under the corresponding reduction parameters. Fig11~Fig22 give more tests about PnJBKZ simulator. For the limit of supplementary materials, we only put partial test results in the folder. For the entire test results, please see
To test the difference of failure probability of the Pump Dimension Estimation used in default G6K and our work, we generate 100 randomly LWE instances for each
and obtain Figure8
In Table3,7-9
. We compare the actual running process of LWE challenge and our simulated results. One can obtain the simulated results by running
and the running log of each LWE challenge is in the folder lwechal-test
All the logs mentioned have been stored in the folder Table5. NIST-est
. One should download the open source code, enter the folder cpp
first compile it by
, then run the following command to obatain a nist-est generated by enumbs:
Through the above command, we'll get the file enumbs(cumprob+prob)+list_decoding[MATZOV22].log
whose list-decoding complexity is from [[MATZOV22]](MATZOV, “Report on the Security of LWE: Improved Dual Lattice Attack,” Apr.
2022.) in the folder nist-round3-est-result
. Besides, we also give the log in the folder Table5. NIST-est
. It gives the estimation process in detail and give the blocksize and jump strategy generated by EnumBS for each NIST scheme we estimate.
For the column of "Previous", we use adapt developed by Leo Ducas to a cumulated Gate algorithm as the paper A Refined Hardness Estimation of LWE in Two-Step Mode
said. Since we need the gate count in matzov22, so one can obtain the result by running the command in folder sage
sage NIST-pro-bkz-avgbeta-matzov.sage
in sage environment.
For the column of "Two-step", one should download the open source code, and enter the folder sage/NIST-round3
. Initiate the sage environment by running sage
, then run
and obatain the estimated result in two-step mode with trival reduction strategy and [[MATZOV22]](MATZOV, “Report on the Security of LWE: Improved Dual Lattice Attack,” Apr. 2022.) version.
In the folder Fig. 10~14. Practical Cost Model
, we give the cost test result in it. We also give the code for constructing the practical cost model of Pump and PnJBKZ here. Especially, one can test their own practical cost data for cost model by running the command:
python | tee practical_pump_cost.log
for pump cost model and PnJBKZ cost model.
for PnJBKZ cost model, which will stores in the folder each_pump_cost_in_pnjbkz
and one can construct the PnJBKZ cost model using the data and running the python file first. Then, add the generated data into
and run it.
Besides, one can construct the practical Pump cost model by running
We also try to optimize number of LWE samples in our work. One can run the code
to obtain the optimized optimize-m
To generate the strategy for our updated LWE records to run them in Table 10, one can run the command
and the results are stored in the folder strategy-for-unsolved-lwechal