- #306 Change order number to Order relation on Refund (@Zales0123)
- #307 [RefundPayment] Change order number to Order relation on RefundPayment (@GSadee)
- #309 Order refund admin show rebuild (@Tomanhez)
- #310 Replace deprecated twig extension (@Tomanhez)
- #308 Logo as parameter (@Mateuszry)
- #313 Change CustomerBillingData to resource and create via factory (@arti0090)
- #314 Add backward compatibility for old refund buses (@Tomanhez)
- #317 Replace Sonata block events with Sylius template events (@GSadee)
- #316 fix original payment method of refund (@AdamKasp)
- #318 Fix plugin versions in UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
- #315 Shop billing data as resource (@SirDomin)
- #312 Improve dx with extending refund type (@AdamKasp)
- #320 [RefundPayment] Make the Refund customization easier (@GSadee)
- #321 Minor improvements for RefundFactory and RefundPaymentFactory (@GSadee)
- #322 Change to a more meaningful message in factory exception (@GSadee)
- #323 Improve customization of RefundType (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #324 Upgrade to stable Sylius 1.10 (@GSadee)
- #325 [Maintenance] Update README (@GSadee)