Releases: Sylius/RefundPlugin
Releases · Sylius/RefundPlugin
- Drop support for Sylius 1.9 and add for Sylius 1.11
- Drop support for PHP 7.4
- Add support for Symfony 5.4
- #326 Do not require visibility in PHPSpec functions (@GSadee)
- #328 fix for
(@Zales0123) - #330 Use PHP 7.4 syntax (@GSadee)
- #333 [Maintenance] Change names of CHANGELOG and UPGRADE files for v1.0 (@GSadee)
- #331 [Maintenance] Create empty UPGRADE file for v1.1 (@GSadee)
- #334 [Maintenance] Update docblocks about deprecated methods (@GSadee)
- #335 [Maintenance] Minor installation guide improvements (@GSadee)
- #336 Github templates (@Zales0123)
- #337 Drop support for Sylius 1.9 & Symfony 5.2 (@GSadee)
- #339 Drop support for PHP 7.4 (@GSadee)
- #341 Remove unneded exclusion from GitHub Actions configuration (@GSadee)
- #342 Upgrade node in GitHub Actions builds (@GSadee)
- #340 Drop support for Symfony 5.3 (@GSadee)
- #343 Resolve added to parameter to make usage of proper path possible (@TheMilek)
- #345 New PDF layout (@kulczy)
- #346 [Maintenance] Support stable Sylius v1.11.0 (@GSadee)
- #328 fix for
(@Przemysław eRIZ Pawliczuk, @Zales0123)
- #306 Change order number to Order relation on Refund (@Zales0123)
- #307 [RefundPayment] Change order number to Order relation on RefundPayment (@GSadee)
- #309 Order refund admin show rebuild (@Tomanhez)
- #310 Replace deprecated twig extension (@Tomanhez)
- #308 Logo as parameter (@Mateuszry)
- #313 Change CustomerBillingData to resource and create via factory (@arti0090)
- #314 Add backward compatibility for old refund buses (@Tomanhez)
- #317 Replace Sonata block events with Sylius template events (@GSadee)
- #316 fix original payment method of refund (@AdamKasp)
- #318 Fix plugin versions in UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
- #315 Shop billing data as resource (@SirDomin)
- #312 Improve dx with extending refund type (@AdamKasp)
- #320 [RefundPayment] Make the Refund customization easier (@GSadee)
- #321 Minor improvements for RefundFactory and RefundPaymentFactory (@GSadee)
- #322 Change to a more meaningful message in factory exception (@GSadee)
- #323 Improve customization of RefundType (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #324 Upgrade to stable Sylius 1.10 (@GSadee)
- #325 [Maintenance] Update README (@GSadee)
- #282 [Maintenance] Upgrade PHPSpec package (@GSadee)
- #283 [Maintenance] Upgrade PHPUnit package (@GSadee)
- #284 [Maintenance] Upgrade PHPStan packages (@GSadee)
- #285 Remove AdminApi dependencies (@Tomanhez)
- #288 bus-unification (@SirDomin)
- #289 [CreditMemo] Replace unnecessary custom ChannelFilter with the Sylius entity filter (@GSadee)
- #291 Remove support for Sylius 1.8 (@pamil)
- #294 Added Dutch messages translations (@j92)
- #293 Added Dutch flash message translations (@j92)
- #295 [CreditMemo] Refactor creating CreditMemo to use a factory (@GSadee)
- #296 Always create RefundPayment after CreditMemo (@Zales0123)
- #292 Use creditMemoLogoPath (@j92)
- #297 Add interface prefix to number generator (@GSadee)
- #301 Fix build for version 5.3.0 of symfony/http-foundation (@GSadee)
- #300 Use explicit bus in handlers configurations (@GSadee)
- #299 Refactor credit memo number generator (@GSadee)
- #303 Change mink-debug-extension and remove unnedded params (@arti0090)
- #302 Use interfaces instead of FQCN as services ids + minor files refactor (@GSadee)
- #304 Remove unneeded exclude from GitHub Actions (@GSadee)
- #298 Add sylius 1.10 to composer and workflow (@arti0090)
- #305 Bring back easy-coding-standard + apply CS fixes (@GSadee)
- #232 Drop unused order state-machine transtion to fully refunded (@GSadee)
- #263 Check proper state during resolving order refunded state (@GSadee)
- #265 Toggle doctrine migration (@arti0090)
- #267 Update installation guides to install proper version of plugin (@GSadee)
- #268 update installation guides for sylius 1.8 (@arti0090, @GSadee)
- #264 Taxes displayed properly on credit memo (@AdamKasp, @GSadee)
- #270 Unify custom exceptions (@GSadee)
- #272 Add missing note about changes in constructor of ShipmentLineItemsConverter (@GSadee)
- #271 Unify service definitions of line items converters (@GSadee)
- #242 Refunding shipments with taxes (@GSadee)
- #255 Refund shipping cost with promotion applied (@GSadee)
- #254 Allow for Sylius 1.8 & 1.9 and Symfony 4.4 & 5.2 (@pamil, @GSadee)
- #238 [Maintenance] Remove security checker config (@clem21)
- #217 Add missing french translations (@Nek-)
- #209 Fix wrong type error if the error in some cases (@Nek-)
- #243 [Minor] Clean up behat scenarios (@clem21)
- #244 [Maintenance] Drop Sylius 1.7 support (@GSadee)
- #245 Remove final tags from resource entities (@GSadee)
- #248 [Shipment] Improve interface inheritance (@GSadee)
- #250 [Pdf] set translation credit memo locale (@SirDomin)
- #256 Make OrderShipmentTaxesApplicator final service again (@GSadee)
- #257 [Adjustment] Update down methods of duplicated migrations not to execute if the changes already exist in db (@GSadee)
- #236 fix doctrine migration sql (@arti0090)
- #234 [UI/UX] Refund float price (@TheGrimmChester)
- #216 Refund list view fails if CreditMemo entity has been overridden (@luca-rath)
- #240 [BUG] Credit memos and refund payment appears in different order (@clem21)
- #251 Fix failing build (@SirDomin)