Clone remote Git project to specified dir in shallow manner, then show README files, then install NPMs, and start it if you're ask for that. Whants to be a friend for JS people :)
gg <Git_Repo_Url> [Dest_Dir] [Options]
- URL must be placed before destination dir name
- Dest_Dir name may be omitted
- The placements of the other switches does not matter
Samples of valid git_repo_urls and source code links:
install NPMs if package.json
, -Run
run npm run command if it present in package.json
you may launch several commands sequentally: -Run
specify package manager to use: yarn, npm
Erase target folder if exists
, -ShowReadme
, -About
README files will be launched otherway only search for them
DEEP copy, i.e. no --depth=1 param when clone
Maximum number of README files to be searched for and opened
How deep to dig into directory structure when search for
README files
-i install NPMs if package.json exists
-y install NPMs with Yarn if package.json exists
-s run npm start command if it present in package.json
-r run yarn start command if it present in package.json
-d DEEP copy, i.e. no --depth=1 param
gg -ShowReadme `
'~Get The GIT' -e -i -r test,build -m npm