(:)(?=[0-9]{1}|\s"{1}) with middot (?<!l_english):{1} with nothing replace middot with colon ^\s*#.* with nothing ^\s*\n$ with nothing #.$ with nothing careful not to delete valid stuff :[0-9]{1} with : (?<!:\s)"(?!\n|\s\n|$) with '
There are duplicates of children such as two settings files below:
create_fleet = {
settings = {
spawn_debris = no
effect = {
set_owner = PREV
create_ship_design = {
design = "NAME_Derelict"
create_ship = {
name = "NAME_Salvage"
design = last_created_design
upgradable = no
set_location = FROMFROM
settings = {
can_upgrade = no
can_change_composition = no
uses_naval_capacity = no
And duplicate events such as :
country_event: {},
country_event: {}
The current parser does not handle country_event vs event. They all are stored under the same. Many keys are duplicates, do we convert to list of key value pairs? Or do we somehow combine country event into country_events []