Sensor Drivers:
- Clone this repo and dependending repo's
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ximea-driver
cd ../..
Follow the husky setup readme for nav and control installations here:
- Link to Husky and Nav README Follow the build and package setup for the voice_assistant here:
- Link to Voice Assistant README Follow the build and testing setup for the human_detection here (build only if following example fully):
- Link to Human Detection README Follow the download and build instructions for the FSM here:
- Link to FSM README Follow the name setup for the arduino here:
- Link to Arduino README
Build Everything Together After Dependencies are Installed (Everything is good as long as the build doesn't fail):
cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
Source before launching
. install/setup.bash
There are 4 different launch modes you can choose to use:
- Make sure that the husky is turned on and everything is plugged in when doing so!
- Driving only mode:
ros2 launch trailbot_bringup
- SLAM/CARTO only mode:
ros2 launch trailbot_bringup
ros2 launch trailbot_bringup
- Navigation only mode:
ros2 launch trailbot_bringup
ros2 launch trailbot_bringup
- Full TRAILBOT (snack delivery) mode:
ros2 launch trailbot_bringup demo1.launch
- (follow setup here: Alias Creation)
Command | Usage |
bot | Runs the full trailbot package (snack delivery) |
slam_2D | Runs TRAILbot only using slam with 2D carto |
slam_3D | Runs TRAILbot only using navigation with 3D carto |
nav_2D | Runs TRAILbot only using navigation with 2D carto |
nav_3D | Runs TRAILbot only using navigation with 3D carto |
drive | Run when only wanting to drive/move TRAILbot |
save_map | Use to save the map created by cartographer (requires directory ~/ros2_ws/saved_maps) |
run_agent | Runs micro ros agent, use for running arduino |
run_s* | Used to run different servo motors (* should be replaced with a number from 1-4) |
voice | Runs voice assistant for snacks |
query | Run to use querying with voice assistant |
After launching you can now use the controller to move the husky as well as using navigation in RVIZ
- Navigation in RVIZ can be used to move the robot using 2D Nav Goal Teleop configuration for Logitech F710 Gamepad using the x-pad configuration.
- Left thumb-stick up/down for velocity, left/right for twist
- LB for enable
- RB for enable-turbo
(LB) (RB)
(LT) (RT)
_=====_ D( .)X _=====_
/ _____ \ / _____ \
/ | | '. .' | | \
/ ___| /|\ |___ \ (back)(Lgtc)(strt) / ___| (Y) |___ \
/ | | | ; __ __ ; | | |
| | <--- ---> | | (__) . (__) | | (X) (B)| |
| |___ | ___| ; MODE VIBE ; |___ ____| /
|\ | \|/ | / _ ___ _ \ | (A) | /|
| \ |_____| .','" "', |___| ,'" "', '. |_____| .' |
| '-.______.-' / \ANALOG/ \ '-._____.-' |
| | LJ |------| RJ | |
| /\ / \ /\ |
| / '.___.' '.___.' \ |
| / \ |
\ / \ /
\________/ \_________/
LB 4
RB 5
A 0
B 1
X 2
Y 3
AXIS Value
Left Horiz. 0
Left Vert. 1
Right Horiz. 3
Right Vert. 4
Left Trigger 2
Right Trigger 5
D-pad Horiz. 6
D-pad Vert. 7