A python module for reliq library.
pip install reliq
from reliq import reliq
from reliq import reliq, ReliqError, reliqType
html = ""
with open('index.html','r') as f:
html = f.read()
rq = reliq(html) #parse html
expr = reliq.expr(r"""
div .user; {
a href; {
.name @ | "%i",
.link @ | "%(href)v"
.score.u span .score,
.info dl; {
.key dt | "%i",
.value dd | "%i"
.achievements.a li class=b>"achievement-" | "%i\n"
""") #expressions can be compiled
users = []
links = []
# returns object holding list of results such object (plural type node)
# behaves like an array, but can be converted to array with
# self() - objects with lvl() = 0
# children() - objects with lvl() = 1
# descendants() - objects with lvl > 0
# full() - same as indexing filter(), all objects
for i in rq.filter(r'table; tr').self()[:-2]:
# A node has multiple types specified in reliqType flag
# It can be a plural, tag, comment, text, textempty, texterr
# or textall which will match to all text types
# It has a set of functions for getting its properties (most of which don't work for plural type):
# __str__() all of the text creating node
# __len__() same as len(i.descendants())
# tag() tag name
# insides() string containing contents inside tag or comment
# tag_count() count of tags
# text_count() count of text
# comment_count() count of comments
# lvl() level in html structure
# attribsl() number of attributes
# attribs() returns dictionary of attributes
# type() returns instance of reliqType that describes the type of node
# starttag() head of the tag
# endtag() tail of the tag, if the first option is set to True result will be stripped
# text() combined text nodes inside the node from the first level, if first option
# is set to True all text nodes will be used
if i.type() is not reliqType.tag:
if i.child_count() < 3 and i[0].tag() == "div" and i[0].starttag() == '<div>':
#objects can be accessed as an array which is the same
#as array returned by descendants() method
link = i[5].attribs()['href']
#link = i.descendants()[5].attribs()['href']
if re.match('^https://$',link):
#search() returns str, in this case expression is already compiled
#but can be passed as a string
user = json.loads(i.search(expr))
#get_data() returns data from which the html structure has been compiled
#if the second argument of filter() is True the returned
#object will use independent data, allowing garbage collector
#to free the previous unused data
try: #handle errors
reliq.search('p / /','<p></p>')
except ReliqError:
#shows all the text nodes
#shows only the text nodes that are the direct children or self of rq[2]
#decodes html entities
reliq.decode('loop & < ⃛ Ô')