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Dillon Bussert edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 13 revisions

Configuration Settings

  • MONGOLAB_URI - The url to the mongo DB instance.
  • NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY - The license key for New Relic. Not required.
  • NODE_ENV - The environment. (default = "production")
  • PORT - The port to listen on. (default = 5000)
  • SECRET - The secret to use for encryption. (default = foobarbaz)
  • SESSIONLENGTH - The session length in milliseconds. (default = 3600000)
  • OPENFDA_KEY - The OpenFDA API key. Not required.

Editing the configuration

  1. Click on 'Personal Apps' in the left hand menu
  2. Click on your application (ex. 'total-briecall-example')
  3. Click the 'Settings' menu link at the top
  4. Scroll to the 'Config Variables' section
  5. Click on the 'Reveal Config Vars' button
  6. Click the 'Edit' button
  7. Add/modify configuration variables per the configuration
