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A random selection of useful Linux commands for a variety of tasks.

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A random selection of useful Linux commands for a variety of tasks.

  • Recursive sed search replace:

    find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' {} +

  • To renew certbot Let's Encrypt certificate:

    sudo ./certbot-auto --expand -d

  • To bulk rename files, changing extension case:

    for file in *.jpg; do mv "$file" "$(basename "$file" jpg)JPG"; done

  • Bulk svg to png conversion

    for file in *.svg; do inkscape -w 2000 "$file" -e "$(basename "$file" svg)png"; done

  • To sync files in two folders:

    rsync --recursive -azPv --delete source/* /path/to/target

    where a is for archive, z to compress, P for progress and v for verbose. Include --dry-run for dry run; --ignore-existing to only copy new files (on remote shares permissions may be different and all already present files may be copied over every time because seen as different).

  • To mount an SSH resource as local drive:

    sshfs user@host:/remote/path /local/path -p port_number -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_rsa_custom

  • To rename (CR2) image files basing on EXIF info:

    exiftool -progress -r -d "%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S%%-c - %%f.%%e" "-filename<DateTimeOriginal" -ext CR2 .

    (replace -filename with -testname for a dry run)

  • To run individual PHPUnit tests:

    phpunit --filter methodName className path/to/file.php

    to run all tests, just run phpunit

  • To enable/disable/see status startup of service

    sudo systemctl enable btsync.service sudo systemctl disable btsync.service sudo systemctl status btsync.service

  • To see fail2ban status for a given set (such as sshd)

    sudo fail2ban-client status sshd

  • To handle torrents service transmission-deamon stop transmission-deamon --noauth transmission-deamon -a "MAGNETURI" transmission-daemon -l #shows status transmission-daemon -t 1 -r #removes torrent N.1

  • To rip a CD cdparanoia -B for t in track{01..18}*.wav; do lame -b 320 $t; done use puddletag to add ID3 tags

  • To loop microphone to speakers package name is pavucontrol pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1 pactl unload-module $(pactl list short modules | awk '$2 =="module-loopback" { print $1 }' - ) # to disable

  • Batch convert HEIC files to jpg (imagemagick) mogrify -format jpg *.HEIC

  • Copy from a samba resource rsync --recursive -azPv --delete --dry-run --ignore-existing /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=olimpodisk.local,share=public/Stefano/Foto/* /media/stefano/Secrets/Foto/

  • Sync two dirs rsync --progress --delete -i -t -r -e 'ssh -p 22 -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' 'user@192.x.x.x:/dir/' '/dir'

  • To mount an LVE full disk encrypted volume sudo vgchange -a y # activates volume group sudo mount /dev/mapper/vgmint2-root /mnt/test/ # mounts, fetch vgname with lsblk

    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb3 luks-d3921fcb-3103-4666-aa35-a2c6e2414756 # optional, to decrypt if OS doesn't ask; fetch ID with lsblk


  • To resize, compress and rename all jpg files in a folder appending _tn:

    convert "source/*.jpg" -quality 50 -monitor -debug cache -resize "150x150>" -set filename:area "%t_tn" "target/%[filename:area].jpg"

  • To compress alone:

    mogrify -path "target" -quality 80 -format JPG "source/*.jpg"


A random selection of useful Linux commands for a variety of tasks.






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